🔥Love Beyond Limits-57🔥

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Chapter 57: "A New Mission"

The episode starts with everyone getting attentive hearing the voice of Mrs. D'Souza. She looked weary and scared. She was limping and crying miserably. Her clothes were untidy and her hair were messy. As soon as she found Riddhima in front of her, a ray of hope arose in her which made her utter her name in a broken voice and falling on her knees,

MD: Riddhima!!!
She fell on her knees on the ground and started crying more miserably with heavy breaths. Everyone rushed towards her including Riddhima. She ran and sat down on her knees in front of MD and cupped her face,
R(panicked): Mrs. D'Souza! What happened? Why are crying? You here all of a sudden!!
MD(panicking and crying): Riddhima! My child!! They took her! Please save her. (Folding her hands in front of her) Please save me child Riddhima!
Riddhima held MD's hands in hers and said,
R: What are you saying? Save who! (Wiping her tears) Please don't fold your hands in front of me!
Vansh asked Waiter to bring water for her and asked Riddhima to make MD comfortable. Riddhima nodded and with help of Aryan and Kabir, she made MD sit on the sofa. The girls with Angre went to see off all the guest so that MD can be more comfortable as the event was over too. Waiter brought water and Riddhima made MD drink it. After the guests had left and MD has relaxed a little bit, everyone gathered in the hall.
R(gently placing her hand on MD's shoulder): Now tell me from the start. What happened?
MD(sobbing): My...My Annie! They tt..took away with them. My Annie! (Crying) My child! she has been kidnapped!
R(shocked): What! Annie! How could....But....
She didn't know how to react. She was shocked beyond imaginations. She had met Annie only once but she could understand MD's pain very well.
V: Who's Annie?
R: Mrs. D'Souza's daughter! Annie D'souza! A very smart, intelligent and beautiful girl! MD's only daughter! (Turning to MD) but how this all happened! Did they call for ransom?
MD: No!! They will not call for ransom. (Sobbing) They will never!
R: Who took her and why? I am not getting anything!
MD: It all had happened some years ago when Some unknown gangs came out of nowhere and started the abduction of girls. Many girls from different cities were kidnapped or gone missing. No one demanded the ransom money and those girls were never seen again. Those girls were someone's daughters, someone's sisters, someone's wives and someone's girlfriend. God knows where they took all of them and what they did with them. It had happened mainly in Shimla, Manali, Kolkata and Goa Many cases were reported there and some were reported in other cities too. When the no. of cases increased so much, the gang stopped it activity and vanished. But.....(Sobbing again) They came back again! And this time in our city and nearby. In Mussorie, Siliguri and my city....Dehradun!!

At the mention of this, Both Kabir and Aryan clenched their fists. Riddhima became serious too. MD continued.
Md: My Annie! She was...she went to buy a gift for her friend's birthday and they....they came out of nowhere and took her with them.
She started crying miserably.
MD: I told her not to go out so late in the evening! Many girls had gone missing from our city! But she didn't listen. She was adamant on going! Its been five days since she had gone missing. There is no call for ransom. My child! I don't know what they will do with my daughter! I have been finding her like a mad woman but I got no clue. You are my last hope Riddhima! I beg you please save my daughter! Please! Save my child! My pride! My Honour! She is just a girl! How will she save herself!

Vansh had a doubt in his mind. He was conecting some dots. He looked towards Angre who gave him back the suspicious look. Out of curiosity, Vansh asked,
V: How does your daughter look? I mean some ways to identify her! Do you have any picture of her?
MD: Unfortunately No! My Mobile had her picture but Someone snatched my purse when I was coming here. I had no money that's why, I got late in reaching here. But... I can tell her features to you.

And then, She told about Annie's age, height, features and many more things about her. Connecting the dots, Vansh thought to himself,

"If My guess is right, The girl whom I got admitted in the hospital is none other than Annie, Mrs. D'Souza's daughter. She also came from Dehradun. I have to tell this to Riddhima but before that I have to make sure that the girl is fine otherwise, It would be a huge problem."

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