🎇Love beyond Limits-13🎇

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Chapter 13: "One story, Thousand Perspectives!!!"

The episode starts with the stunned faces of Kabir, Aryan and Sia. They were shocked to core to know the incident that happened 5 years ago. Ishani was fuming with anger at the reminder of the incident. Sejal and Angre had mixed feelings because they both had witnessed each and every memory in front of their eyes. Aryan not controlling it anymore bursts out,
Aryan: Its impossible!! I don't believe you.
Sejal: What do you mean?
Aryan: That Riddhima's betrayal part. I don't believe a single word of it.
Ishani: Then Don't!! Who's asking you to believe?
Angre: Exactly! You insisted so we told you. Believing or not is completely your choice.
Kabir: Its not about choice. What you are saying is baseless. RIDDHIMA CAN NEVER EVER BETRAY ANYONE SPECIALLY WHEN ITS ABOUT MONEY.
Aryan: Exactly What I wanted to say. For Riddhima, money is worthless. Her relations are the most important for her. Nothing else matters to her.
Sejal: If you had witnessed that day, you would not be saying this.
Sia: Even I agree with Aryan and Kabir. Riddhima is never such to betray others.
Ishani: Its your perception only. The day Riddhima will do the same with you then you will understand.
Aryan: She will never do this.
Ishani: How can you be so sure?
Aryan: Let me tell you in detail now. Just give me the answer of one question? (Serious) What do you think where does the earning of this hospital goes?
Ishani: To Riddhima. Obviously.
Aryan: No.
Kabir realizing what Aryan is going to say, starts to stop him.
Kabir: Aryan Stop!
Aryan Let me clear their misunderstandings Kabir.
Kabir: You know well that Riddhima will not permit you doing this.
Aryan: I dont care. For me, Riddhima's self respect is more important which these three are trying to destroy right now. Please keep quiet.
Kabir gets quiet. Aryan turning to them spoke again,
Aryan: You know what.. the Riddhima whom you all are accussing of stealing never even spends a single penny earned from this hospital for herself. You know why she made me the head of finance department?
Sejal: Why?
Aryan: Because she never compromises when its about her kids!!
Ishani: What!! Riddhima has kids too?
Kabir: Oh come on Ishani! Riddhima has no kids of her own. Aryan is talking about the kids of the orphange , "Angels' Heaven"!
Aryan: All the earnings of this hospital goes to the Angels' Heaven. Riddhima supports that orphange financially. And She trust me compeltely in This that's why, she made me the head.
Sejal was shocked. She spoke,
Sejal: Its the same orphanage in which I used to live.
Ishani: She would be doing it to remain in your good books only.
Angre was fed up of these discussion, so tried to end it up,
Angre: Ok listen you all. Look! We all have different perspectives about Riddhima and I am sure there is one or the other truth that we all don't know. So, Its better we end the discussion here. Everyone agreed on this and sat quietly again on their seats waiting for Dadi to get concious. All this while everyone was indulged in their own thoughts. Everyone thinking in their own perspectives.

Aryan's POV:
" I can't believe a single word these all are saying. How can this even be possible? Riddhima is never such. I have been living with her for 2 years. From a mentor she has become a sister to me. Since the time, I am with her, I never ever saw her spending money for her own self. And these hospital earnings...Never! I know what they told is truth but what was the reason for that. I am damn sure Riddhima should have some definite reasons for doing it. But How will I know the truth? All their arguments are totally basless. Why didn't Riddhima spoke anything to defend herself. Her silence has always been proved a grave danger and I am worried she is silent now a days"

Ishani's POV:
"Riddhima is always so confusing. What happened that day was her reality but this Aryan... Stupid!!! Before that incident, Even I was convinced that Riddhima actually loves Vansh Bhai. But Thank God we got to know her reality. I don't know when this mess is going to end. I seriously wanna get rid of that Riddhima... She had already played alot with our feelings. I will not let her play anymore. But one thing that's disturbing me even now is that where did she spent or invested that money. That was the money of vansh bhai for one of the biggest achievement of his life. I can't let go the struggle of Vansh bhai, a compelte wastage. I really wanna know.."

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