🎇Love Beyond Limits-37🎇

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Chapter 37: "The Sacrifice!"

The episode starts with Riddhima further continuing the story,

R: "All the things that have been happening at that moment in my life, I was left with no other option than to get married to Rajveer. Next morning, Rajveer came to my house to get the marriage papers signed. We hadn't even gone to the court just because of the danger. Rajveer did it all with his approaches. And.....with those shaking and unwilling hands, I signed those papers and got married to him. We both were living each day with a new fear. Fear of getting trapped again. Rajveer was even more worried than me but he didn't show. After four days, the same thing happened which we are fearing of. Investigating officers found some new evidence against us and We were sure that these are planted by Rehaan. We were summoned to the court. I was much scared. Rajveer assured me that we would get out of this mess soon. He assured me that whatever evidence the officers got, they would be proven fake sooner or later because we never did anything. We were presented in the court for our hearing. Everything was going good. The court got to know about our marriage. Many people gave their statements in my and Rajveer's favour. Everything was perfect. Then,.....there came the turning point when a witness was presented by prosecutor against us......He destroyed everything.

Flashback starts,

The judge was about to give his decision when the prosecutor requested for another witness who got agreed to give his statement at the last minute. The witness was called in. When he came in, Riddhima and Rajveer were shocked. The witness was Rehaan. He had an evil smirk on his face. He came to the witness box and started giving his statement when being asked about Ridhveer!

Reh: Your honour! Rajveer and Riddhima are my very close friends. We were like family. Rajveer was soon going to be the sub-chief of military intelligence. We all were proud of him. And Riddhima! She was a respected girl too. But (looking at Rajveer and Riddhima) this was not expected from both of you. What you did was so cheap!!

Prosecutor: What did they do? Mr. Rehaan please tell us in detail.

Rehaan: Your highness! Riddhima and Rajveer are involved in drugs smuggling. I myself had seen them once exchanging drug packets.

Riddhima(shocked): What?

Reh: I had tried many times to stop them, I also warned them that I will inform the department as it is illegal but they didn't agree. Even I had once found a packet in Rajveer's house, but he threatened me that he will fire me from the job when he will become the sub-chief. I had no proofs otherwise, I would have came here earlier. I can't betray my department and my country. They were really close to me but I don't want to keep relation with such cheap criminals anymore. They got married two days back so that their record might get clear But this (forwarding a packets of drugs) This drug packet, I found it earlier this morning in Rajveer's house in his basement. I had gone there with my team and conducted this operation. These proofs are extremely valid and accurate. They both are guilty of their crime. (Looking at Ridhveer) I know I shouldn't have done this but duty comes first.

He smirks.

Rajveer and Riddhima were shocked. They didn't know what to say because they knew well that Rehaan's statement is the most important statement in the case and now, it was not in their favour though it was a lie. Riddhima remembered Rehaan's words,

"If I can get you trapped, I can get you out too" "Get ready for the return gift"

They both found themselves standing at the dead end. It was now obvious that they would get punished without any crime as the proofs were presented. Riddhima was staring at Rehaan with a disgusting look. Rehaan was having a smirk on his face and Rajveer was in deep thoughts. The prosecutor requested the judge to reconsider his decision and then, give orders. The judge did so and was about to again give his decision when Rajveer spoke,

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