🎇Love Beyond Limits-16🎇

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Chapter 16: "The Flopped Spying and the Virtual Fighting!!"

The episode starts with Riddhima confused at Vansh's behaviour.

R:(To herself): Why is he behaving so awkward? The vansh I knew would have become so much angry at the Mention of my name even and Here, he is inviting me to VR MANSION. What is this sudden change of behaviour? He was so adamant on taking me home. Whats going on in his mind? (Something strikes her mind) Had he listened to my and Aryan's conversation? (Shocked) No! This will ruin everything. I have to be careful while making any move.

After that, Riddhima came outside hospital with Vansh. Vansh went near his car with Riddhima following him behind. He opened the front passenger seat door for Riddhima. But Riddhima in her own thoughts passed him and went towards her own car.
V:(Irritated): Riddhima!
R: Yeah?
V( trying to speak politely): Sit! I opened this door for you. Not for the Angels on your shoulders!
R: Then Close it! Because neither I nor my Angels are going to sit in your car.
V: What is this new stupidity now? Will you go to VR mansion on bicycle or have you got wings? (Sarcastically)
R:(sarcastically) I-have-got-a-car-Mr. RaiSinghania! (She spoke with small spaces in a sarcastic tone) If you try to run your brain for some useful purpose rather than taunting my ego all the time, you will get to know it.
V:(murmurs): Right now! Decoding your mystery is my only purpose.
R: What?
V: Nothing Riddhima. Your ears keep vibrating all the times.
R: My ears can detect even the smallest taunts you see!! And at this moment, they are vibrating very rapidly. As if they heard something what they shouldn't.
R(to herself): I listened what you were saying.
She smirks and goes towards her car. Vansh looked at her giving confused looks.
V(to himself):Welcome to VR MANSION.....AGAIN!!!

Saying so, Vansh smirks too and sits in his car. Both of them headed towards VR MANSION where dadi and Sia were eagerly waiting for her. Both of them arrived in their separate car. Riddhima got down and looked at the entrance of the Mansion. All of a sudden, she lost all her feelings once again. The words of 5 years ago were playing in her mind.

"Get out!!! You are a blo*dy cheater!! I don't want to see your face!!!"

She was reminding all that in her mind when Sia jerked her.

S: Riddhima! Where are you lost? Anyways, Welcome! Lets go in. Dadi is waiting for you. And how's your wound? Thank God you bandaged it.

Riddhima looked at Vansh remembering how he bandaged her wound. But right at that moment, she had no feelings to express. She was lost. Sia grabbed her hand in excitement and took her to the entrance hall. All this while, Riddhima was out of world. She was observing her surroundings. With every door, every entrance wall a memory was associated. Memories of pleading, memories of tears and memories of being hurt. She was looking at the way while walking in and In her mind, she was imagining herself pleading and crying in the hall way. Once again, All her memories freshened. She looked at Vansh who was following her behind. He was observing her strange emotions but said nothing. She became fierce from inside but tried to remain calm from outside. The slight change, The ice that started melting just a while ago between her and Vansh seemed to grow again. She was lost but the gentle touch of someone's hand cupping her cheeks brought her to reality. She looked at the person. It was Dadi.

R: Dadi? How are you? Feeling better?
She asked with almost no expressions.
D: You are looking so dull Riddhima. Where are you lost?
R: I am fine Dadi.
D: I am very glad that you agreed on our invitation.
S: Riddhima I am so excited to talk with you the whole night. And Even Ishani has to say something to you.
Riddhima looked at Ishani.
I: (stern) I am just doing to it on Sia's saying but Yeah!... I am genuinely thankful to you for saving Dadi's life and then, mine too. Thanks for what you did. But that doesn't mean we have forgiven you.
S: You Don't have to say that.
R:(stern): I am not expecting anything like this too. I came her as Dadi wanted it. I am going to stay here for one night only. I don't think that would bother you so much. Moreover, I am not even asking forgiveness that you had to.
S: Oh leave her Riddhima! She is sometimes like that. Lets First have dinner then I will show you your room. Infact, you can stay in Sejal's room today. She has gone for a event trip just an hour ago. She won't be coming till tomorrow.
Ishani gets irritated and left from there.
R: Oh its not needed. I will stay in the guest room if its available. I don't want your privacy to get disturbed.
S: Oh its nothing like that. But If you want to then yeah, Guest room is always available. Right Vansh bhai?
They both looked at Vansh who was listening to their talks silently for a long time.
S: You are totally mute today.
V: Riddhima can stay wherever she wants to. I will tell the servants to set up outhouse.
He goes away. Riddhima was staring her.
R(to herself): weird! Something is definitely going on in his mind.

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