Love Beyond Limits-59

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Recap: After listening to going to Dehradun, Aryan behaved suspiciously and angrily. He made himself locked in the room where Ishani convinced him alot trying to calm him down. They had some moment leading to them becoming friends. Finally, Aryan comes out of the room and starts telling about the reason of his anger. He tells them about his sister, Nayra!

Chapter 59: "Nayra!"

The episode starts with Aryan telling everyone about Nayra.

A: Let me tell from the start,

"I belong to a middle class family of Dehradun. A small but happy and complete family having my father, my mother, Nayra and I. Nayra was much younger than me but we were like best friends and best siblings of the world. I used to complete her every wish even before her wish could come on her tongue. For her, I was her ideal. Everything was going good infact perfect, before that terrible incident happen in our lives. One storm came and took away all the happiness with it. It was more than 3 years ago. I was studying for my exams as I had to qualify my Intelligence Entry Test ( I don't know what is the exact procedure for it so made a test myself). Nayra was also studying in school at that time. A grand fare was held in Dehradun. It used to be organised every year and people from many far away places used to come and enjoy that fare but that year, there were so many rape cases and kidnapping cases were being reported in India so, not much people came. Nayra was fond of those fares and she had been going to that fare since her childhood but that year, mom and dad didn't permit her to go. She keep on insisting but they didn't agree for her safety. Their fear was totally justified so I also agreed with them. But late night, when they have slept, Nayra came to me and insisted me to take her to the fare. I didn't agree but she kept on insisting until I finally agreed not able to bear her tantrums more. We sneaked out of the house silently and didn't let our parents notice. In the fare, there were not that much crowd like it used to be but still there were many people there. I asked her to be with me. She was so excited and happy. We keep on enjoying together for an hour after which I asked her to return home back. She always being stubborn and throwing her tantrums didn't listen to me and insisted on staying for some more time. The crowd of people was getting less too. All of a sudden, A van stopped there and some goons came out of it and started firing. I wish I had been a soldier at that time but I was not. So, like all other people, I started running away holding Nayra's hand tightly. I had ran a few meters when One of the goon held Nayra's other hand and she started panicking and shouting. I tried my best to save my sister and punched that goon hard on his face. No sooner had I done this when I received a tight blow with an iron rod on my head. My grip on Nayra's hand losened and I started feeling dizzy. Nayra's shrieks were echoing in my ears which didn't let me get faint. My head was bleeding continuously and my vision was blurry. They caught Nayra who was just trying to resist them and calling my name. They made her sit in the van and soon the van started going away. My head was spinning badly but still I had some unknown strength in me that was asking me to go behind her. I started running behind the van but my pace was slow. So, I snatched a person's bike and started following the van without wasting another minute. Soon, the van reached near to a deadly spot. It was a bridge between two mountains and water was flowing under it. It was really deep. Not much people go there and it was late night too so that place was completely deserted."

Aryan was totally numb and emotional. Tears were running down his eyes. He stopped as if he lost energy to speak more. Kabir went close to him and held his hand tightly giving him strength. Aryan looked in his eyes painfully and Kabir nodded him to speak. Aryan took a deep breath and started again,

Aryan(painfully but smiling): My sister was really so brave. She kept on resisting them and somehow opened the door of the van, jumping out of it. The Van stopped on the bridge. Before they could come out, I reached where Nayra had fallen and I made her stand. She was crying badly and was scared to the core. The goons came out and this time, I hid her behind me protecting her. Those goons started beating me badly.

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