🔥Love Beyond Limits-62🔥

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Recap: Riddhima decides not to tell anyone about Nayra until she receives any news regarding her. Divya and Disha make their entry with alot of fun. Riansh inform Ravi about their real reason of coming to Dehradun. Mehndi ceremony takes place. A perosn in the disguise of waiter gives a chit to Riddhima telling Annie's adress! Kabir's parents make their enteries. Riddhima along wit Vansh goes to save Annie!

Chapter 62: The Rescue!

The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima driving through a dark and deserted road. Vansh was driving and Riddhima was tracking the location of the given adress in the map. The road was curvy and there was no traffic on it. Riansh were giving courage to each other but deep down both had some unknown fears. Vansh was worried for Riddhima's safety and praying for Annie's safety too. Riddhima, on the other side, was too worried for Vansh's and Annie's safety but the deep inside feeling of something bad to going to happen was scaring her. Moreover, there was more added to her worry by the thought of Nayra being alive and having no clue about her. She was tapping her phone, opening multiple apps and closing it, turning the volume up and down due to her anxiety. After every two seconds, she was checking her phone for any news regarding anything. Vansh observed her and said,

V: Relax Riddhima! We will find Annie. She will be safe.

R(absent mindedly): I don't know. I can't find even a single clue about her. If she is alive, then where is she? And what if..If she is dead again?

Riddhima was talking absentmindedly about Nayra but Vansh assumed it to be about Annie.

V(confused): Dead Again? Why are you saying like that! Annie will be fine Riddhima! Nothing will happen to her. And now, we are going to rescue her na!

R(absentmindedly): Hmm! I hope we find her too. Only Annie can answer my queries.

Vansh was hell confused so he applied the brakes suddenly making Riddhima come out of her trance. She looked here and there to see whether they have reached the location or not.

R(looking here and there): Vansh! Why did you stop here? I can't see any building or deserted area here.

V: Its because we have not reached yet!

R: Then, why did you stop? We should go there ASAP.

V(taking a deep breath): Riddhima! What's happening? Where are you so lost? Do you even know what you are saying?

R: What did I say?

V: You are saying that what if She is dead again! And what questions Annie will answer? When we will find her, will there still be any questions left to answer?

R(thinking about Nayra): Hmm! Many! (Coming out of her trance) Aaa...I mean I will have to find about those gangs who kidnapped her na! And dead again? (Looking here and there to find excuse) I meant that...Yeah! I meant that Nayra had died the same way so what If Annie died too! That's what I mean!

V(serious): Why do I feel that you are hiding something? I never saw you so much lost during any mission of yours unless there is something going on in your mind.

R: No Vansh! There is nothing hidden fom you! I am just worried about Annie. That's it! Changing the topic): Let's go Vansh! We are getting late.

Vansh stared Riddhima for a second and then, he leaned forwards and moved very close to her that they could feel each other's breathing. And then, he looked directly in those big black and beautiful eyes, saying,

V(serious): These Eyes!.....I see my world in these eyes. I see us together for the next 7 births in these eyes! I see the limitless and unconditional love in these eyes! When 7 years ago, you had left...these eyes and its unsaid emotions kept a hope alive in me that you would have an explanation for what you did as I could see your love and I could not believe completely that you had betrayed me! Riddhima!.....Your eyes never lie to me! Whether you say or not, your feelings can be seen in them! And at this moment, do you know what these are saying to me?

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