Chapter Thirthy Two

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Mary Jane

John does not remember. What a sweet solace! This is way better than I had expected. I thought I had pushed him to his death. ''So, the plan had been to dial John's mobile as proof that I had called him that night to check on him and to know when he was joining me in bed. I fell asleep, and I woke to use the toilet. That's when I noticed John was not in bed. His part of the bed was cold. So, I went looking for him. I found him lying dead on the floor with a big butcher knife beside him. I immediately dialled the police.''

 I mean no one has to know I put the knife there or the fact that I had been the one to answer John's phone when I called him with my phone. John would be dead anyway, he might as well take the fall for killing his parents. That had been the story I rehearsed before I called the police that morning. 

However, John did not die. Which was a relief! I am not a murderer. But, he brought me the best gift to my long-awaited escape from this mad family; his loss of memory. As unplanned as it was, it was the best part of my day.

He did not die, but the phone call proves that I was nowhere near the scene.

John had grudges against his father. That was clear. His father slept with his ex-girlfriend, Kemi. For a long time, Mr Nwafor knew a secret about John and Sandra, Joshua's dead girlfriend. It was his power over John, which almost seemed like blackmail. Perhaps, it was blackmail!

''After Joshua forced their father to speak the truth about his dead girlfriend and John's atrocities. John was driven to the brink of madness and in a hot argument between father and son, John stabbed the father. The poor stepmother was an eyewitness, so she was a threat that  John had to eliminate.

But, before he could get rid of the bodies, he slips and hit his head real hard. He passed out until his wife woke up to find the bed empty of John, came downstairs and found a scene that left the poor woman distraught.
In all of these speculations, she was the victim and she plans to play that part till the end.

''Angry Joshua is good Joshua.'' He is fueling this case with his version of Sandra's murder. "John has killed before, so nothing stops him from doing it again!"

Mr Nwafor, whoever killed you did us all a favour. Now, John will pay with his life. For every slap, punch, assault, abuse, harassment, deprivation of my dreams, for Chisom! John Nwafor finally gets to pay. Welcome, to your payday. 'I cannot wait to visit you in prison, my darling husband.'

For the first time, the universe is giving me a way out. Naive Jane would have done the right thing. But, she's no longer with us. The Nwafors killed that Jane. Thanks to them, I'm taking the tickets life is offering to freedom. I would be a fool not to.


The killer is out there. I'm sure whoever did it will never boldly declare. Hiding the truth could be fatal. What if the killer is after everyone in Nwafor's family? How will the police help if they don't know the whole story?

John has been found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. His news had spread like wildfire. I am still the innocent and supportive Jane that stood by him throughout the trial.

Lately, I cannot sleep. I have had sleepless nights since he was proven guilty and charged to court for murder. The evidence points to him. Life imprisonment.
I guess I did not realize the depth of this situation from the beginning. John was messed up. I agree, but what right do I have to condemn him this way? I am not better than him if I let him rot in prison for what he did not do and he does not even remember it!
The guilt he must be feeling for his brother and parents.

I was in love with him once. I let in all the good memories from the day our eyes found each other in that small church, to moments we took walks around the village, days I waited for his calls after work. I looked forward to being there for him, to cook for him so he wouldn't have to order unhealthy street foods after a long day and an evening spent in maddening city traffic. 
The man that rescued and whisked me away from a hopeless life without a family, to having a family however dysfunctional that family may be.
''How did we get here? To this point where I sent the love of my life to eternal condemnation.'' I cry for how broken this marriage has become. There is no going back from what John and his father had done. The damage had been done and the evidence will always be there to remind me why I should let John burn in hell.

Perhaps, the naive Jane is still somewhere in there.

That is why I have decided to confess to him. Maybe, in light of this new evidence, an appeal can be made on the basis of a mistrial. I will be in trouble for hiding evidence that would have helped the case, at least I will get back my peace.


Author's Note

Hey Lovelies,

One down, one to go. 

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May we meet again. 🙏🏿

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