Chapter Twenty-Seven

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(Playlist: Easy on me by Adele)


My kids are reasons not to regret my 6 years with John. My dearest Chisom will be four in a few months. Beautiful blessings, I chase after them all day long. A full-time mother, it can be overwhelming somedays but I love the time it affords my sons and me.  

I was airing John's office when my phone rang. A call from Chisom's school, he fell off the swing and collided with a tree. His condition is critical and has been rushed to the nearest hospital. 

My poor baby, I rush out of the office. The rest of it had been blurred, how I made it out of the house without crumbling.  I called John. But, I don't recall my actions since the doomed phone call from hell. 

Chisom Joshua Nwafor was losing so much blood. A nurse had come into the waiting room to inform me that he may need a blood transfusion. The doctors are currently working to stop the bleeding from where his head sliced open. 

''My husband is on his way. He can give blood to all types. But, I have an A+ blood type in case it is urgent.'' I manage to inform the nurse. 

''We are conducting some tests, you will be informed once the results are ready. We have to make sure his blood type matches the types of blood in the blood bank.'' She gave a polite smile before walking away.

John had been the one to donate blood for Chisom's transfusion. I thank God for days like this where we have a universal donor in the family. 

One week later, Chisom was transferred to our family hospital, where James who is the family doctor will take extra care of our boy.  It was around this time that I received the most shocking news of my life. 

''Hello Mrs Nwafor, doctor Rita here.'' Doctor Rita was the one that treated Chisom during the intense week of his injury. 

''Oh! Hi there.'' To say that I am surprised, we do not owe the hospital any outstanding debt. We conceded communication would be to our family doctor who understands the terminologies. 

''I understand your surprise ma. I just got off the phone with Doctor James Wole, he swore me to secrecy. Technically, you are my patient's guardian and I could not help but marvel if you are Chisom's biological parent?'' she proceeds before I could comprehend her words.

''I mean, if you two are not his parents it explains why his blood type matches none of yours. The blood type takes on either the mother or father or from both.'' She pauses to ask if I am still here. 

''Yes, yes! I stopped following when you asked If John and I are his parents. Of course, we are.'' I defend. 

''It is okay Mrs Nwafor. Women are adopting kids these days. There is nothing to be ashamed of.'' She replies in that patronizing tone of voice. 

''Have a nice day, and keep up the love you have for him. I could see how genuinely distressed you were for the poor boy.'' She hangs up before I could muster a response. 



Hey Lovelies,


Did our sweet Jane cheat on John, or the doctor is speaking jargon?

Let me know your thoughts on this short version. 

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Happy weekend! ❤️ 👉

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