Chapter Thirty

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I took a bath today. Finally, I am making progress. I hate that John invited his parents and Joshua over for a Christmas dinner. How painful it will be to sit through dinner and pretend as though what Mr Nwafor did was a figment of my imagination.

Honestly, I've thought about poisoning the meal. Maybe we all can die after dinner, and erase an unfortunate bloodline like this one. "That will be too peaceful a death." I thought. Mr Nwafor deserves to die a slow and torturous death.

Joshua was the first one to arrive. A lonely man with no plans for Christmas. I don't see him often, he looks rather cheerful today. I hate how John keeps playing the concerned older brother when he is the problem. With every smile the brothers shared, I downed a glass of liquor. I was on my way to drunkenness, and the evening has just begun.

We ate in silence that evening until Ifeoma asked about her grandchildren which I reacted to with a snort. Then, I opened my big mouth.

''You know, I often wondered if you were the one that reported Mr Nwafor to the police for domestic violence or it was John's mother, Mercy,'' I ask. I could see John's fury build, but it did nothing to stop me tonight. ''Joshua, you look surprised. Your father and brother did not tell you they are women beaters?'' I let out a loud snort this time.

''Enough!'' Mr Nwafor thundered. ''John, if you cannot control your wife, I will.''

John starts to say, ''MaryJane, please let us...'' when I burst out laughing.

''Daddy's boy. How obedient.'' I say. ''Did daddy also tell you to keep the truth about Sandra a secret?''

I heard Joshua's cutlery clank against the table before I heard his voice. ''What has Sandra got to do with this?''

''Everything. I am tired of watching John play the innocent brother when he was the one that got her killed.'' I respond while helping myself to another glass of whiskey.

''What is that supposed to mean?'' Joshua lost his cool. Good.

''MaryJane you should stop. You are drunk.'' John speaks in that voice of absolution that once made me shiver upon a time. That voice was the fuel I needed for my fire to burn brighter.

''Oops! Joshua darling, you should ask your brother. Or maybe he is too scared to tell you that he got her pregnant. The baby wasn't even yours.'' I give a dramatic sigh.

''What a waste of my day coming here. Ifeoma let's go.'' Mr Nwafor made a move to leave, but Joshua beat him to it.

'''Nobody leaves, not until I learn the truth of what Mary Jane is talking about.'' There was finality in his tone.

My heart was thumping. My blood was hot in my veins. I could feel my palm starting to sweat. Today is the day of reckoning, they are an example of perfection to society but it is nice to see them struggle on my dinner table for once. There is nothing perfect about this family. I excuse myself from the table, I walk up the stairs until I had them in view on the landing of my stairs. I stood there watching their heated argument.

The music in the background was soft, as John pounded the stairs towards me.

''Are you happy now?'' He yells

''Happy does not come close to what I feel John. He deserves the truth, his whole life had been a lie.'' I state calmly.

''Spare me those preaching. This was not about Joshua, it was revenge Jane, and we both know it'' He takes a predatory step close to me.

''Stay away from me, John. I cannot believe you are this bitter about your brother finding out the truth. Are you really that much of a monster? He had to be freed!'' I yell.

''Do you know how ugly you look right now? Trying to destroy my family because of your stupid revenge.'' He holds on to my wrist.

''Ugly? You are the murderer John. Between us, you are the sinister bastard. How dare you try to blame me for your wrongs?'' He is shameless.

''Let go of me, you son of a bitch!'' I free my wrists and push John away from me. Instead, I watch him tumble on the long staircase in horror. I did not mean for it to happen.

I took a step towards the flight where John lay on the landing, unmoving. 'Please be alive, please be alive.' were the only chants in my head as I raced down the stairs.

The horror before me was nothing I had imagined my day would turn out to be. The man I have been rehearsing my speech for was staring straight past me with eyes wide open. Blood oozing from his head. His wife spread out on the dinner table with a knife to the chest. How long have they been like this? My argument with John did not give me a chance to see what happened. Where the hell was Joshua?
Mr Nwafor died with answers that he owed me. Explanations that were mine! I wanted to look him in the face and demand an answer for what he did to me and all the girls before me.

I stared at the lifeless bodies before me and wept. I don't know how long I stood until I slumped to the floor. I crawled to where John lay, still unmoving. God, please wake me up from this terrible nightmare.

I should call John, maybe the sound of his phone will jolt him awake. God, what should I do? "Mary, calm down. Peace! Be still. Think."

So, I called John at about 11:45 pm. His phone rang in his suit jacket, I took it out and pressed receive. "John, if you can hear me, please come back." A sob rose from within me, I let it consume my very essence until there was nothing but darkness. I place my head on John's chest and gave in as the darkness enveloped me.
I woke up at 3:31 am. It dawned on me that it was not a dream.

I dialled the police at 4:15 am.

Author's Note.

Hey Lovelies,

It has been a bumpy ride for John and Mary Jane. 🌟

Their story is coming to an end soon.

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May we meet again.🙏🏿

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