Chapter 26

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        We were at the main stage and looking around. "What now?" Dad asked. "Get them all to come over here..." I told him. I grabbed the microphone and tapped it. It let out a screech and I watched as Moon covered his ears. "WE'RE AT THE MAIN STAGE! COME TO US!" I yelled into the microphone. It echoed through the whole Plex as we started to see the first person coming. "I CAN'T SEE!" Aunt Roxy yelled and panicked. "I know Hun, but you just have to trust me, and please be careful!" Aunt Chica told her as she guided aunt Roxy to us. "What happened?" Aunt Chica asked. "We'll explain when the other's get here..." Gregory told them.

DJ Music Man was carrying Monty as they came over to us. Monty seemed to be crying from something. DJ came over and explained that someone broke Monty's leg. "He should be fine if we get him to a hospital." DJ said. "I think we all need to go... My nose is broken and Roxy can't see." Aunt Chica said. "We can go after this, but you guys weren't yourselves! There's a rabbit on the loose here trying to kill us!" Gregory said. "Not anymore..." A voice said. We all looked to see who it was.

"I don't know what you did, but I'm finally free... Sadly we aren't out of the wood's yet." Vanessa said. "What do you mean 'free'?" Moon asked, putting me behind him. "When I was working at the gaming company, they made a game... Something horrible was in it. A rabbit... He controlled me." She said, rubbing her head. "I couldn't break free, but he's here... in the Plex. He won't stop and he can't be stopped." She took her hat off and looked at it. "Fazbear entertainment is a JOKE!" She yelled as she threw her hat down.

I moved past Moon and looked at her. "It's ok... We're getting out and never coming back." I told her. " You read the files... Everyone is contracted for life and will be sued if they leave. It's why the company makes them change their names." She admitted defeat. "Don't give up hope. There's not much they can do, the place is unsafe. There's definitely sitting on a safety violation and lawsuit. " I told her. She looked so hopeless, negative, and scared. I hugged her as a form of comfort and she hugged back. It seemed to help her feel better.

A sour voice interrupted this calm moment. "So you broke free of me, did you?" His voice echoed. There was no way of telling where it was coming from. Everyone looked around as they backed up. There was no one in sight. We were backed up into each other and there was still no sign of where the voice came from. "You seem to forget..." It called out again, still echoing. "I always come back." We all turned to the voice that was now behind us.

An old rabbit suit that was falling apart, stood on an old endoskeleton. Pieces of rotting flesh were falling from it, still in a state of decay, yet also somehow mummified. It took a step towards us all and we all backed up. " You are MY creations, and I will NOT let you leave! You will continue to collect children so I may continue my life of immortality!!!" He said reaching out for us. "WE NEED TO RUN!" Aunt Chica yelled. We all jumped off the stage and bolted for the door.

I started to smell smoke, so I looked behind us all and there it was. A fire started to break loose as the rabbit followed us. "YOU WON'T GET AWAY THAT EASILY!" He let out a horrifying laugh. Dad was leading the group out to the front doors. The fire was fast too spread and soon things were falling and crashing besides us. I heard as people cried out about being hit and cut by debris. I could see the doors and dad started getting everyone out. Everyone had made it out. Dad was counting heads and I realized who was missing.

"(Y/N)... What's wrong?" I heard Moon ask as I looked back to the building. "She's still in there..." I told him. He looked in and looked back at me. "(Y/N)...-" He started. "I can't just leave her in there!" I said running in. The fire was heating up, and I couldn't blame how fast it would spread. There was so much that could burn. I started to call out Vanessa's name as I ran around looking for her. I passed the daycare and watched as it burnt down. So many memories were gone, but I couldn't cry now.

I continued to run through the fire and found her stuck under some rubble. I started to move it and when I looked up I saw him. "You shouldn't have come back... Now you will suffer with me!" He laughed. I pulled Vanessa out and slung her over my shoulder. "No I won't... I'm getting out of here with her." He started to reach for me. I realized who it was. "William Afton..." I muttered. His face under the mask smiled. "And I always come back." He said before a structure above us collapsed on him.

I stared at him in shock before realizing I needed to run. I bolted for the door, but I was slower since I was carrying another person and running through fire. I heard people outside calling for me. I wasn't gonna give up now. Something inside me pushed me forward and I was running faster than before. I got past the door and right when I did something inside fell, making smoke poor out the door. I couldn't give up now that we were close, but I couldn't run anymore.

"(Y/N)!!!!" I heard Moon scream out. It wasn't like a scream anyone would ever want to hear. It was one of pain and anguish. "LET ME GO I NEED TO SAVE THEM!!!" He screamed out. I could hear the tears in his eyes and heart. Then there was another scream. I knew It was dad's. "THAT'S MY CHILD! THAT'S MY BABY IN THERE! I CAN'T LOSE THEM!" I wanted to run to them, but I had trouble moving, let alone speaking. The smoke started to clear as I pressed forward. They all saw me as I pulled Vanessa with me. They all cheered as someone took Vanessa and Dad and Moon hugged me. They were both crying, but so was I. "I'm so glad you're ok!" I heard dad sob. Moon couldn't talk, he just held me. "I'm sorry... I'm fine now, but we need to get out of here..." I told him. He nodded and went to get a car. We had to take everyone to the hospital for a check up.


Sorry about the wait, I got news that made me have flashbacks to december and it lasted a week, then I couldn't write due to wifi problems, stress, and I had a friend over. I know I'll try to update regularly again, but I can't make any promises. I'm sorry again, hope you enjoyed it, and have a lovely night.


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