Chapter 22

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        As we walked out, Aunt Chica was there waiting. "Aunt Chica! I'm so glad you're he-" I started to say, but Moon pulled Gregory and me back quickly as she swung a pan at us. "LOOK OUT!" He yelled. "Your parents are looking for you Gregory!" Gregory looked at her deadpan and said, "Wow, you did not need to hit that low mamm." I didn't quite get it but got the distinct feeling that he was sassing her, even at a time like this. It was a bit funny even if I didn't get the joke.

Eventually though, she fell down from swinging too hard "Come on! We must leave!" Dad said, holding a door open. I didn't question where he came from and ran to him with Gregory and Moon. I turned back to look back at aunt Chica who was standing up and following us. What was going on? I didn't have time to think before a hand reached out and pulled me into a photo booth. They were covering my mouth as they held me close to their body. I started to fight them as best as I could.

"(Y/N)! Stop, it's me, you're safe!" I heard Moon whisper yell. I started to calm down and he let go of me. I turned around and hugged him. "She's been after me since I missed going to the doors. Even before that!" Gregory said as dad watched outside of the curtains. "What do you mean?" I asked him confused. "I snuck in here just for the night and hid in Freddy's room... The security guard is after me! She's bad!" He told me. "No, what do you mean she's been after you? She can't even hurt a fly let alone a kid! This doesn't make sense." Moon pulled me over to him and held me. "We'll figure this out..." He told me.

Gregory looked out of the curtain and I saw as Vanny bounced past us. I pulled him back and hushed him. "S-She's after me!" He whispered panickily. Once I saw her leave my sight, I looked at him. "She's the one behind this... I know it. She's after us too, so we're gonna get you out of here safe and sound. " I promised him. We all decided to leave the photo booth and look around. "Alright, there should be a loading dock exit and fire escape on the third floor in the prize corner." Dad told Gregory. "You two, please go with Gregory to the loading docks to help him out." We nodded and started to head to the elevator with Gregory.

I realised that I had no way of contacting dad if something happened. " Dang it!" I said becoming frustrated. "What's wrong, darling?" Moon asked, confused. "I have no way to get ahold of dad..." I said and Gregory looked down. " He gave me a fazwatch so he could guide me to you two and help me out." Gregory explained. "Latest edition too! That would work well!" I told him. We headed into the kitchen and went to the loading dock. "There's nothing here..." Gregory said. I went over to the controls and looked at them.

"Someone tampered with the controls..." I said, realising I couldn't open the doors. I started to type on the computers to see if I could unlock the doors or at least get the keypad to unlock. "(Y/N)! He's gone!" I heard Moon say as he looked around. "Back to the kitchen!" I said, getting up and rushing up the stairs. Moon was right behind me, not stopping once, until he pushed me into a locker with him.

"Moon!" He put a finger on my lips. "Shhh!" He pointed out into the room and I heard her. "Greeeeeegory~ We only want to help!" She sang. "You aren't supposed to be here~" Moon was holding the door shut just enough to keep us from being locked in. We watched as she lifted up the pan she had and slammed it against a wall. I hid myself in Moon's chest to prevent myself from letting out a yelp. He held me close and patted my head. "It's ok... We're here, you're safe with us." He said. I looked up at him. "Sunny's doing fine, just trying to recover." He said. "But he wants you to know he loves you just as much as I do." With that I calmed down and held him. "Thank you both..." I whispered.

Chica soon left and we hopped on out. "We should go to the lost and found..." I told him. "There's a chance we can find another fazwatch in there, and other things that could be helpful." I told him. "Good idea! I know where to find it!" He grabbed my hand and rushed to get to the lost and found. "Ok so we need a fazwatch, flashlight, and what else?" I asked to make mental notes. "First aid possibly? And a different pair of clothes for me..." He said looking at what he was wearing.

I had gotten so used to the bells on his clothes my brain had completely blocked out their sound till I noticed them. "How could I be so stupid and forget about the bells!" I asked, slapping my face. "That's our new mission..." I said getting him to the lost and found faster than before. I was hoping my Aunt didn't hear us as we ran, and soon we made it to the lost and found. The door was locked from the outside so we were quick to unlock it and get in.

When we did, we found Gregory who was unscrewing a vent. "There you are!" I said rushing over to him and hugging him. "We were so worried!" I told him and Venessa's face popped up on the monitors. "You're in big trouble Gregory! Yeah I know your name! You are staying there till the police or your parents show up!" She was clearly angry with him. Her face started glitching out and Vanny's face popped up. "Are you having fun yet?" She asked before the screens went to static.

"I'd say the best bet is going through the vent because there's no telling if she's outside this door." Gregory said and I nodded. " Ok, but we need a few things from here first." I told him. "Like what? New clothes for killer clown boy?" He asked a little rudely. "Yes actually, otherwise his clothes will let the others know our location." I told him. Gregory rolled his eyes. "Ok you two turn around, I found some clothes so I'm gonna change." Moon said and we turned around.

I heard Moon mumbling to himself as he changed. I could tell the word hurt so I looked at Gregory. "That was a little mean you know..." I told him. "So? I don't care... If it wasn't for you he would have hurt me. What was that change anyways?" He asked me. "He is actually two people sharing a body." I told him. "There's Sunny, he's mostly the one out, but they worked together to share their out time with each other. The reason Moon, who's out now, is out is because Sunny is scared of the dark due to a traumatic experience. So when the lights went out he panicked and Moon took over to make sure Sunny didn't get too scared, and with the anxiety he was already going through with me being gone, the lights going off made it worse." I told him.

"So he's taking a break?" Gregory asked. "Kinda like that." I nodded. "So Moon's gonna help us till Sunny feels better." Gregory looked down at his feet as Moon started to speak again. "Ok, I'm ready." He said shoving his old clothes into a back and grabbing a light and first aid kit. I stood up and looked at him. "Handsome as ever!" I said, kissing his cheek, gaining a small smile from him. "Ewww..." We heard Gregory say before turning back to unscrew the vent. "That's gross... Now let's get out of here!" He said crawling out.


Sorry for the wait, Weeks have been crazy for me. I have to rewatch Mark's videos to make sure the missions are correct and I just realised after rewatching them that it's a level 1 card... not 3, so I'm so sorry about that! You know only two people know the secret about this book, and although I'd like to tell you guys, I've decided to tell you at the end of it. I hope you guys enjoyed and have a lovely night!


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