Chapter 5

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        I couldn't find any Christmas lights to hang up so I just made sure to have my lamp ready. "Do you think the lamp should be enough or should I look for more?" I asked wondering around my room. "It's alright! I can just sleep next to the light when the time comes. I can't thank you enough." He said smiling. I turned it on and grabbed a bunch of pillows and blankets and went to set them out on the floor. "Oh, am I sleeping in here?" He asked. "Yeah! I'm gonna make a bed for us since the bed would be too small, and it's not fair one person gets to sleep on the floor and the other on the bed. So Make something soft and big enough for both of us, are you alright with that?" I asked. " I normally am fine with it, but I don't know your comfort level." I pointed out. "It will be alright, I mean it's not like we'll do anything but sleep right?" He asked jokingly.

I gave a chuckle. "I'm sure we'll be fine." I said finishing it up. I picked out some pj's for myself then looked for some for him. "Oh thank you! These look pretty!" He smiled then went to the bathroom to change. "I'll knock once I'm done!" He smiled and rushed off. I chuckled and started to change. Once I finished I opened the bedroom door to let him in. He Popped in with a smile. "Well what would you like to do?" I asked sitting on the make shift bed. "We can finger paint, tell stories, drink Fizzy Faz until our heads ex-PLODE and stay up all night!" He said excitedly. It caused me to laugh. "I'd say finger painting is to messy for tonight, but I'm alright with the other stuff. Maybe we can watch a movie or something, I can make popcorn if we do!" I smiled.

"It all sounds like so much fun! How do we choose?" He asked. "Well you don't have to let this be the last time you spend the night, so we can always hold on to some of the things and save them for later." I said. "I'll be allowed over for the night again?" I watched as his face changed to the most excited face ever and hug me." That is the best news ever!!!" He actually picked me up with joy and spun me in a hug! Once I was let down he apologized. " I'm so sorry! I'm really just a hugging person and I guess I keep forgetting others have boundaries an-"I just looked at him. "Could you... could you do that again?" I asked after enjoying that hug. His worry faded as a grin spread across his face. "Well of course shooting star!" He said picking me up and doing it again. I held on to him giggling like a child.

He smelled like birthday cake, and glitter glue. It was weird but safe. He gently let me down. "I enjoyed that a lot! Thank you!" I said beaming. He just smiled and said," I'm glad you liked it! Know you get free passes to hugs anytime!" He laughed happily. I sat down on the bed and he sat next to me. "Is there any movie you'd like to watch?" I asked him looking at the tv. "I really like Disney movies, but I'm wide range on all types of movies to be honest! If it's horror however I may have trouble sleeping later." He admitted. "Disney movie's you say...?" I asked and started to look for on on my tv. "You know what? Here you look for the movie and I'll get some popcorn and soda!" I smiled and handed him the remote. Sunny looked up at me. "Alright! Be back soon!"

After running down stairs I noticed dad was still awake. "Hey superstar! You're friend leave already?" He asked confused about my pj's. " Oh no! Sorry I completely spaced on asking if it was ok for Sunny to spend the night!" I said. Dad just smiled. "He can spend the night if you both want that, just try not to be to loud alright?" I smiled and hugged him. "Oh thank you thank you thank you dad!!!!" I said excitedly. I pulled back and started to look for popcorn. "What are you searching for (Y/N)?" He asked looking around. " Just some popcorn, we're gonna watch a movie!" I smiled. It always made dad smile to see me smile. "It's behind the peanut butter in the right cabinet." He said and sure enough it was there. "Thanks dad!" I started to make the popcorn as I grabbed some drinks for us. "Do you know what movie you two will be watching?" He asked.

"No, but it's a Disney movie and he's choosing it now." I smiled thinking of all the possibilities. "What ever it is I hope you two enjoy it nonetheless." He said as the popcorn went off. He hugged me one last time and smiled. "Goodnight superstar, enjoy you're sleep over." I smiled and hugged back. "Thanks dad, goodnight and I love you." With that he went to bed. I grabbed the snacks and drink and headed upstairs. I was greeted with a happy Sunny. " (Y/N)! Perfect timing! I found the movie!" He smiled and I sat down next to him and opened the bag of popcorn. "Alright what movie?" I asked. "Ratatouille!" He said excitedly.

"That's a great choice in movies!" I smiled and handed him a soda. "Thank you! I can't wait to watch it, but I'm ready when you are!" he said as I set the popcorn up so we could share. "Then I'm ready Freddy!" I chuckled. I saw a tint of pink dust across his face, but I suppose that could just be the lighting in here. He turned the movie on and we started to watch it. There were times when we'd both reach for popcorn and our hands would brush up against one another and it sent us both into a blushing state, but I didn't mind. I sorta wanted to hold his hand, but was scared to at the same time. This was my first friend after all. I didn't want to mess it up.

"You know if we keep both grabbing the popcorn and brushing our hands together I might just end up holding yours!" He joked with me and I laughed. "I was thinking the same thing!" I couldn't tell if he was red from laughing or from what I said, but I knew I was blushing from what he had said to me. "If you want you can finish the popcorn, I'm full." I said to him. "Are you sure?" He asked gaining a nod of agreement from me. "Then thank you!" He smiled and started to eat it. The movie was almost over, the popcorn was empty, soda's were gone, and Sunny fell asleep on my shoulder. "So much for staying up late." I joked quietly to myself. I gently moved him to be lying down on the bed and tucked him in. Then I laid down myself and looked at him. He was cute, and I couldn't help but take in every feature of him before my eyes refused to stay open.


What's your favorite Disney movie? Mine is Ratatouille!


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