Chapter 21

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       Sunny and I had found a babysitter that was willing to watch Jasper for as long as needed which meant we could both be at work all day. Though I didn't actually work there, but Sunny did and I just helped out. There was nothing special about today besides everyone having to stay a little later than normal due to security reasons. It was odd that they had just started it today, at least that's what Vanessa had told us. "Sunny, do you think that rabbit girl will be here tonight?" I asked him quietly. "I don't know, but that's what scares me about overtime... The fact she might come out and hurt you." He told me in a whisper back.

"As long as we stay with the others in a group I think we'll be fine. The only reason she took us out last time was because she caught us by surprise." I told Sunny. "Who Zeze?" A little boy asked. "Oh! A character in a video game we play!" I explained to him. "Wow... You guys can beat the bad guy! You guys are awesome!" He said before running off. "Guys you wanna play super heroes?" The kid asked. "That was a quick change..." I pointed out. "Kids are kids, they will run off for fun any day." Sunny smiled.

We waited the rest of the day watching the kids and trying to figure out why they were keeping us over time. "Maybe they found something out about the strings of murders?" I asked. Sunny just shook his head. "(Y/N), we have a few minutes before kids are picked up... I don't want to say quit talking, but..." I had caught onto what he was saying. "I understand, now's not the time." I smiled and he kissed my cheek. "Thank you Sunflower." I giggled and got up to help the kids find their parents.

It was time. We were told to stay in our places till the time was right. "I'm gonna text dad..." I told Sunny. "Alright, maybe he has information on why we are staying late." I started to text dad, but saw there were no bars. "What the heck?" I asked. "What's wrong shooting star?" Sunny asked. "Can I borrow your phone?" I asked and watched him pull it out. " Yeah sure! Something wrong?" He asked as I started to text dad. Still no bars. "Sunny, you can use phones here right?" I asked and he nodded. "(Y/N) what's wrong?" He asked again. "I'm not getting a signal... not a single bar on either phone..." I explained.

"I guess we have to wait for the security search then... " Sunny said, pulling me close to him. We heard the doors to the entrance doors close. "There's a back way they probably opened for us." He said, chuckling nervously. "Sunny... I don't think they actually wanted us to stay here over time. Remember what we read on those files?" I asked him, pulling up the pictures. "Yeah... Vanessa had three therapists disappear and I think two were found dead." I said reading through the pages I had taken pictures of.

"I'm gonna try and text the babysitter and tell her this is an overnight stay..." I told Sunny. "I'm gonna go to the front of the doors and try to send a message to the babysitter..." I started to head out the door. "Wait! Let me come with you!" He said and I held on to his arms lovingly. " Please stay here, it's safer for you here then out there, plus I'm gonna try and see about going to dad to check on him." I told Sunny. He pouted. "I promise I'll be back, just please stay here and if I'm not back in an hour grab the others and you can come find me." I told him, holding his face in one hand. He gave a small smile and nodded. "Alright... I trust you." He said before I kissed him. "I love you, I'll be back!"

I rushed out and headed to the main doors which weren't far away. I prepared my text to the babysitter before I got to the door so it would be quicker to get back. I reached as close to the door as I could and the moment I saw a bar I hit send. That's when a knife flew past my face and broke my phone screen. I whipped around and saw the rabbit standing there waving. "There's no help little one... just accept your fate." She said in a whisper. "No... You tricked us all didn't you?" I asked. "I got you all to stay... now I can finally set him free so he can continue on!" She said all giggly. "W-who?" I asked more confused then ever. "Master Afton of course! Though you won't get to meet him since you'll be dead, but he... HE WILL LIVE ON!" She yelled, taking a plunge at me.

"YOU'RE A PSYCHO!" I yelled at her as I ran to my dad's room. His was closer and safer then Sunny's, so I knew grabbing the others and then going to get Sunny would be a good idea. I peeked into dad's room and he was there. "(Y/N)? What's wrong?" He asked me. "KILLER RABBIT'S BACK AND SHE ALMOST KILLED ME!" I yelled trying to catch my breath. "Gregory..." Dad said, causing me to look up at him. "Who?" I asked. "There was a kid that snuck in! I gave him a Faz Watch since communications were down! He's trying to get out of here!" Dad explained.

"Where is he now?" I asked. "Heading to the daycare to get a level 3 security badge and find you!" My heart had stopped. "Oh no! Sunny's still there and that badge is set to turn the lights off!" I rushed out of dad's room and ran as quickly as I could to the daycare. "(Y/N)! Wait... you're not (Y/N)... Well hello new friend! What's your name? You sure are up late! Where's all your friends?" I heard Sunny's voice from a distance. "I hope I'm fast enough!" I said throwing myself down the slide.

I hit the sides of the slide a few times before making it into the ball pit. "(Y/N)! You're finally here!" He cheered. "GREGORY NO!" I yelled getting up from the ball pit and rushing over, but I was too late and the lights went out. I already knew Sunny was scared by the rabbit, not being able to see Jasper, and me being out for so long, I knew mixing with his fear of the dark would only make it worse. "Naughty, Naughty..." I heard Moon say. "Sunny asked you for one thing, and you turned off the lights." He said, angry. I grabbed his arm. "Moon, no! He didn't know the light's would go out... " I explained. He seemed to calm down.

"Moon pie... Sunny doesn't want to come out for a while, but he's glad you're safe... He also trust's you and so do I..." He said before hugging me. "I'm safe... but Gregory is in the same trouble we're in..." I explained. "Trouble?" He asked. "Sunny told me about Vanny, I'm guessing she's back?" He asked. "She broke my phone Moon.... with a knife, and she charged at me..." He tightened his grip on me but not to a point it hurt. "She'll pay for that...'' He said and turned to Gregory who was looking for an exit. "YOU! You aren't going anywhere without us." He said. Gregory looked over. "What makes you think you can stop me?" He asked. I budded in. "My dad sent you to find me, so you stick with both of us and we'll help you and everyone else get out." I told him. I felt brave, more brave than ever before, but scared. Were we going to die tonight?


Ah yes... writing! I do want to note that Moon is mad at Gregory because Sunny pointed out the no turning off the lights due to his fear and when it did happen it scared poor Sunny too much. You guys are amazing, I love you, and have a lovely night!


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