Chapter 20

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        The kids were off to naptime and I sat, talking to Moon. "I told you we'd hang out today, didn't I sugar?" He asked and I nodded. "You did." I smiled. "So what would you like to do?" I asked and he took a moment to think. "I know there's a little TV under the desk near the security area." He told me. "We can watch a movie since I know you and Sunny had watched a few together. It's also calm, quiet, and..." He wrapped his arms around me. "I get to hold you during it." He grinned at me. " Then I'd say a movie is a great idea, but it may last all of the kid's naptime." I told him. "I'd say letting the kids sleep at least two hours wouldn't hurt. Besides, it's all worth it if I get to spend time with you." He laid his head on my shoulder. "Alright, but I'm not sure if there will be any good movies." I told him.

He let me get up to go grab the tv and movies. There were only three movies, and none were kid appropriate. "Who works here? There's Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, 365 Days, and the Emoji Movie...."I said looking at them. "These people have poor taste and 365 days is a BIG no... " I told Moon. " I refuse to watch the Emoji Movie... I'm open for so much but not that..." He said and I picked up the last movie remaining. "Scary Stories it is then." I said, smiling. "Alright, I'll set up a spot for us if you get the lights." He said, grabbing everything. " The lights?" I asked, confused. "Scary movies need the right atmosphere. Don't worry, I'll hold you if you get scared." He said, smiling and I just shook my head and went to get the lights.

Once I turned them off, I joined him. He had grabbed a blanket and put it around us as we played the movie. It started out with a nice setting and pretty town, kind of like the one we lived in. "That's what the town here sorta looks like." I told Moon. He looked down at me. "Really? I've never seen it... Do you think one day we can walk around town?" He asked me. "Of course! I'd walk around with you any day, same goes for Sunny." I told him. I watched as a gentle smile crossed his face. "Thank you moon pie." I kissed his cheek. "You're welcome."

(Hi, it's me... Remember when I told you in the beforehand chapter about choices? Yeah one's about to happen and it's based on what YOU like. You're free to read both, but they will only be different in small ways! Anyways love ya and you look amazing!!!)

If you are scared of horror movies:

Moon and I had been watching the movie for less than 30 minutes and I was already starting to become a little scared. I was covering myself up with the blanket as the scene unfolded in front of us. "You scared, shooting star?" Moon asked, seeing how I was reacting to the movie. "N-No! I'm just cold..." I lied because I didn't want him thinking I got scared by a silly movie. He didn't say anything, just picked me up and put me in his lap. He held me as we watched the movie, and it was a little less scary than when he wasn't holding me. At one point I had gotten so scared that I buried my face into his chest. He had held me tighter and I knew I was safe, so I turned back. Once the movie was over though, he leaned down to my ear and whispered. "It's ok to be scared, darling. Just know I'll always be here to keep you safe, and you never need to lie to me." He said, kissing me. I looked down before hugging him. "Thank you, my jester." I smiled. "You're welcome."

If you don't get scared of horror movies:

Moon and I had been calmly watching the movie, waiting for something to happen. I was on the edge of my seat just waiting for something good to happen when it did! I heard Moon slightly chuckle and I looked over to him. "What's so funny?" I asked him. "Nothing, you're just cute. That's all." He smiled as he said it. "How am I cute?" I asked, confused. "You're eagerly waiting for something scary to happen, I find it pretty cute." He said pulling me onto his lap. "I guess I'll let it slide..." I told him snuggling close. "Let what slide?" He asked. "You calling me cute." I joked and continued with the movie. We watched it unfold into a well executed ending for a possible part two. "Amazing!" I said, happy about the movie choice. "You liked it? Good to know for next movie night." He said, smiling. "Well yeah! It was perfect with everything!" I told him, making him chuckle a little. He pulled me close and kissed me. " Just like you, darling." I was flustered. "Thank you." I smiled. "You're welcome.

Soon the kids had to wake up, and the time flew by as we played with the kids. The parents had already started to show up and take their kids home. One by one the daycare was emptied out, but beside us stood a little Jasper. "Let's wait outside the daycare." I said, taking Jasper out to sit and wait. An hour had passed, then two. "(Y/N), I don't think anyone's coming for them... The doors will be shutting any moment now... I think it's time to go home." Sunny told me. I picked up Jasper and stood up. "Alright... We'll be better parents then Jasper's old ones anyways." I told him and he grabbed my hand. "We will be! There's no need to worry." He smiled, kissing me. "Yeah..." I smiled. "We do got this." I knew nothing would ruin this moment, not now at least.


So you guy's get to chose Jasper's gender... If you want them to be a boy then hey, you and Sunny got a son, you want a daughter then you guys have a daughter, but I will continue to use gender neutral terms for them so that no one is right or wrong. :) Love you all, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll be back in two days!


P.S. My school is closing for the week so I may be posting more during that week <3

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