Chapter 29

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Hinata watched Kichirou happily eat a bowl of vanilla ice cream. The little alpha was really getting spoiled already. It had gummy worms and strawberry syrup. Kageyama came down from the steps relieved. "Everything went smoothly. But the news has broadcast this everywhere so we'll have to stay inside for the next few days." Kageyama said. Hinata could tell the alpha was happy. Kageyama sat beside him and sighed. "Thank you daddy! Ice cream yummy!" Kichirou exclaimed, Kageyama patted his head. "You'll probably be bouncing off the walls." Kichirou giggled, the ice cream was all over his mouth. Kageyama glanced at Hinata then cleared his throat. "What you said in the interview, is it true?" Kageyama asked quietly. Hinata glanced at him then looked at Kichirou. 

"Kichirou go with Kirabayashi-chan to see your room okay." Hinata said, so he and Kageyama could speak alone. Kichirou nodded then left his ice cream on the coffee table as he ran to his room with the maid. Hinata looked at Kageyama. "Kinda, I'm sure people took it out of context. I meant I would let you... impregnate me again." Hinata murmured. His face was bright red from blush. Kageyama also had a slight blush on his face. "We said yes that we are in a relationship. Is it true?" Hinata asked, Kageyama thought about it and then shook his head. Hinata's heart momentarily broke. "I want us to go on a date first. I don't want us only to be in a relationship because were mated, I want us to be in a relationship because we actually love each other." Kageyama said. Hinata felt a wave of relief then smiled. 

"Me too." Hinata said. He got up but Kageyama pulled him back down. "You want to go on a date with me? I can schedule something." Kageyama said. He was excited. Hinata snickered then shook his head. "We have to stay inside, remember." Hinata said while still laughing. Kageyama cursed under his breath. "I can make arrangements." Kageyama murmured. Hinata nodded his head. "But not anywhere crazy. I don't want to be that much of a hassle to your maids." Hinata said in an embarrassed manner. Kageyama nodded, he suddenly pulled Hinata on to his lap then put his arms around his waist. The omega yelped and his face exploded in blushed. "Sorry. You seemed like you needed it." Kageyama whispered. Hinata smelled all the comforting pheromones that Kageyama was letting out. Hinata started purring, he closed his eyes then smiled. 

To Be Continued...

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