Chapter 9

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Everything started getting better. He was feeling much better since he started seeing Kageyama on a daily basis. He thought it would satisfy him for the time being. Hinata smiled as he held Kichirou's hand. The boy had gotten Miwa's parents' phone number. Thus, resulting in a playmate with him and Miwa. "You seem excited." Hinata said as the little boy skipped to the house. Kichirou nodded then went on a rant on how much fun he was going to have. They appeared at the house then Hinata gulped. It was huge, he checked the address again then let Kichirou ring the doorbell. A blonde-haired female opened the door then smiled. "Hello. It's nice to see the two.... of you here." She said opening the door wider. Hinata smiled then bowed in front of her. "Thank you for having us." He said nervously. 

The two walked inside. Miwa ran up to Kichirou and hugged him tightly. Hinata let his son's hand go so he could go play. He followed the lady to the kitchen. "Well... I'm Uchina Kiku." She said, holding out her hand. Hinata shook her hand and smiled. "I'm Hinata Shoyo. Thank you so much for letting my son play with your daughter." Hinata said bowing in front of her. Kiku laughed it off then smiled. Soon another man walked into the kitchen. "Hello there. I'm Uchina Shinji." He said, shaking Hinata's hand as well. The orange-haired male repeated his name. The three of them watched their children play. "Shoyo. Do you want some tea?" Kiku asked as she started boiling some water. Hinata nodded. "So Shoyo. What do you like to do for fun?" Shinji asked him. Hinata thought about it.

He doesn't really have anything he does for fun. He just takes care of Kichirou and works. "Nothing really. I work a lot so I don't get the chance to do anything fun." Hinata said. Kiku looked at Hinata confused. "Isn't your alpha supposed to be bringing in money? Where are they anyways? I didn't even see a ring on your finger?" Kiku asked with heavy judgment in her voice. Shinji elbowed her then glared. "Kiku stop it! You don't know his situation!" Shinji said, continuing to glare at her. Hinata embarrassingly smiled then gulped. He didn't want to tell the truth. The last time he did, he was called a slut and a whore. "It's fine... it's just that. Um, Kichirou's father got into a really bad accident when Kichirou was only a couple of months old. He's in a coma now... wearing the ring he got me just brings bad memories." Hinata lied.

The couple quickly began consoling Hinata. Kiku immediately felt guilty for thinking of something else. "That's terrible. Just know we're here for you always Shoyo." Kiku said. Hinata didn't believe it, but he still nodded his head. She poured him some tea. "May I ask what happened?" Shinji asked. Kiku agreed then sat down at their table. Hinata gulped again, more lies. "He was in the train collision a while back." Kiku winced then shook her head. "Yeah... he was headed to work on the train then it collided with another. He was one of the few survivors, but he's still in a coma and I'm struggling to keep them from pulling his life support." Hinata said, worsening the lie. Kiku shook her head. "That's terrible. Don't worry Shoyo, we'll find a way to help." She said, and they kept on talking about Hinata's 'injured alpha'.

Hinata felt bad lying. He knew that 'his' alpha was probably at work, conscious and well. But he didn't want someone calling him slurs again. Once the play date was over Hinata grabbed Kichirou's hand then they walked home. "Mommy? What's a coma and why is daddy in it?" Kichirou asked, he was listening to his mother's conversation with Miwa. Hinata shook his head. "Daddy's not in a coma Kichirou." Hinata said, Kichirou looked at him confused. "So mommy lied?" Kichirou asked. Tears escaped Hinata's eyes. Kichirou saw then Hinata picked him up. Kichirou hugged his mother. "I'm sorry mommy!" He said hugging his mother tight. Hinata sighed, "Mommy lied so Miwa's parents wouldn't say anything bad to us." Hinata explained. He still hasn't explained to his son where or who his dad was.

"Mommy can't tell you right now Kichirou. But I'm gonna tell you okay?" Hinata said with a small smile. Kichirou nodded, then hugged his mother again.

To Be Continued...

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