Chapter 16

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Kageyama stayed the night at the hospital. He continued to let out pheromones all night. The alpha couldn't sleep at all. If Hinata were to die, he would feel so hurt. Maybe it was their bond that attracted him to Hinata. It was about 4 or 5 am when he felt someone squeeze his hand. He woke up then heard someone trying to speak. "Wh-what's going on..." Kageyama lifted his head up then saw Hinata looking around. He called for a doctor then let out a sigh of relief. "You're awake.... I'm sorry I left you alone for all these years Hinata. I promise you I'll stay by your side." Kageyama said, kissing Hinata's hand. The omega looked at Kageyama then cried. He was so happy to have his alpha back, not only for his health but for his son as well. Wait, his son? Where's his son?"

"Wh-where's Kichirou?" The omega said, panicking. He remembered the last time he saw his son then bit his lip. He must've scared the shit out of him. "Who's Kichirou?" Kageyama asked, confused. Hinata didn't have enough energy to sit up so he looked around in a panicked state. "M-my son. Where is he?" Hinata asked, drying his tears. Kageyama had never even seen what the little boy looked like. "I'm sure Tadashi or Kenma, I believe his name was, has him." Kageyama said to reassure the omega. A doctor came in then smiled. "Looks like he woke up. How do you feel, Shoyo?" The doctor asked, writing something on his clipboard. "Um... I just feel better." Hinata said to the doctor. "When can I go home?" He asked her. The doctor chuckled then smiled.

"Well we do have to run some tests that will require you to stay in the hospital for a few days. Then by law you do have to go to a mental hospital. Afterwards you should be able to go home." The doctor explained. Hinata whined in disappointment. The doctor checked his condition then hummed. "Do you feel numb anywhere?" The doctor asked, helping Hinata sit up. "No." After making sure he was fully okay the doctor recommended Kageyama to go get something for the omega to eat so he could gain back his energy. Once the doctor left it was silent again. "Do you want the hospital food or do you want something different?" Kageyama asked, getting up from his chair. The omega was surprised Kageyama was going to get him food. Hinata was actually surprised that Kageyama even stayed after he woke up. 

"S-something different." Hinata said in a low tone. Kageyama nodded, then started calling someone. "What do you want?" Kageyama asked. Hinata shrugged then hummed, "Meat buns and maybe warm soba." Hinata said in a whisper tone. Kageyama copied his order on the phone then hung up. After he hung up Kageyama sat beside Hinata then laid his head down again. "Are you going to leave after I leave the hospital?" Hinata asked. Kageyama shook his head, "Of course not. I plan on staying by your side Hinata. I'm sure you knew as soon as you saw me, why didn't you tell me?" Kageyama asked. The omega shrugged then started crying harder. "I thought it was just m-me. I thought I was just getting desperate... I wasn't in a good head space at all. But I'm so happy you're staying with me. It's been so hard." 

Kageyama got up then hugged him. He let the omega cry on his shoulder. Hinata gripped onto Kageyama's shirt then sobbed. "I'm so sorry Hinata. I really hate how you were suffering through all of this and I was perfectly fine. We bonded together so I will be here for whatever you need." 

To Be Continued...

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