Chapter 11

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Kichirou quietly ate his cereal. His mother was too sick to cook. After Hinata's heat his condition got worse. Hinata had a fever, he was coughing (up blood) a lot and throwing up everything that entered his mouth. Even water. Despite everything doctors told him he was completely healthy. Hinata got his things ready for work as he coughed up blood into a napkin. Kichirou even noticed his mother's smell always seemed sad. Even when he was smiling. Once he finished, he put his bowl in the sink and Hinata helped put his clothes on. They walked to Tadashi's house quietly. Kichirou didn't want to upset his mom so he stayed quiet and kept his questions to himself. When they got to Tadashi's house, Kichirou knocked on the door. Tadashi opened the door then smiled.

"Hey you two." He said hugging Hinata. Instead of running inside like usual, Kichirou stayed by his mom's side. Tadashi looked at the little boy confused. "Kichirou aren't you gonna go inside?" Tadashi asked the boy. Kichirou shook his head then hugged onto his mom's leg. Hinata rubbed his son's hair then looked down at him. "Kiddo I'm going to be back." He said. His voice was hoarse from coughing a lot. "I wanna stay with mommy." He said, holding onto Hinata's leg. They never had this problem with Kichirou. Hinata picked him up and walked inside the house. Hinata put him on the couch then Kichirou jumped up and clinged onto his leg again. "Kichirou I have to go to work." Hinata said, picking him up, Tadashi grabbed Kichirou from him. Hinata left as Kichirou cried out for him.

Hinata got on the bus. He was so confused. Kichirou has never been that clingy. The fear in his eyes made him want to go back to his son. But he had to work. Even though he was sick. He got off the bus then made his way to the building. His head was throbbing. He walked inside then looked at Yachi-san with a smile. "Hinata-san! Right on time." She said with a big smile on her face. Hinata returned the smile. "Hey Yacchan." He said waving at her. Yachi could tell something was wrong. Hinata made his way to his desk. He put his name tag on and started looking at emails. He knew Kageyama wouldn't be at the office until 12pm. He had to get everything ready for their most recent client before the meeting at 4pm. As Hinata was rushing to get work done, Yachi could hear him coughing and sniffing. 

3 hours passed, and Kageyama walked into the office. Yachi greeted him normally. Kageyama walked to his office. He saw Hinata working then cleared his throat to catch the omega's attention. "O-oh sorry sir." Hinata said, standing up and bowing to him. "Why do you sound like that? And why do you have so many tissues?" Kageyama asked, concerned. Hinata bit his lip then laughed embarrassed. "Sorry. I have a bit of a cold right now." He said, sitting back at his desk. Kageyama scoffed, then shook his head. "Clean your desk." He ordered. Hinata nodded then grabbed all his tissues. Once Kageyama got a look at the blood on one of the tissues he knew Hinata had more than a bit of a cold. Hinata finished cleaning his desk. He put a box of tissues on his desk and pulled the trashcan closer to him then got back to work. 

Kageyama checked his schedule for the day then looked at some reviews. The room was quiet, until Hinata started coughing again. Kageyama saw him coughing up blood then he got up from his desk. "Go home, now. We're rescheduling the meeting. You're way too sick to be working." Kageyama said, getting up from his desk. Hinata shook his head. "It's just a cold sir. I-I'm fine." Hinata said. He especially didn't want Kageyama worrying about him. But it was too late. Kageyama was already worried. He had taken a secret liking to Hinata, and seeing him sick like this was hard. He went over to his desk and called for Yachi to take him home. Hinata didn't want to leave Kageyama, he had only seen him for a little bit. Hinata felt dizzy, Yachi came into the office then escorted him out. 

Hinata got on the bus back to Tadashi's house. He needed some medicine. He needed something. Maybe seeing his son would make him feel better. When he got off the bus, he quickly walked to Tadashi's house then knocked on the door. Kei opened the door then pulled him inside. "Look ,your mom is here, now stop crying." The blonde said to Kichirou. He was throwing a fit on the floor. Tadashi was trying to soothe him but it didn't look like it was working. Kichirou got up and ran to his mom. He hugged him tightly then sniffed. "I missed you." Kichirou said, squeezing his mother's legs. "Kichirou, were you throwing a fit?" He asked the boy. Kichirou didn't answer. "Kichirou, answer me. Did you throw a fit?" Hinata said in a stern voice. His son nodded slowly then hugged him.

"Now apologize to Auntie Tadashi and Uncle Kei for giving them a hard time." Hinata said, turning Kichirou around. The little boy played with his fingers then bowed in front of the couple. "I-I'm sorry Auntie Tada and Uncie Kei." Kichirou apologized. Tadashi got up from the floor then rubbed his hair. "Don't worry Kichirou~" Tadashi said. Kei ignored them then sighed. "Get better shrimp, that's the reason he's acting like that." Kei grumbled. Tadashi hummed as he agreed with his husband. "Is your condition getting worse Shoyo?" Tadashi whispered. Hinata nodded then picked Kichirou then started walking home.

To Be Continued...

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