Chapter 27

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Hinata woke up to the sound of music and giggling. He was in his bed? Did he fall asleep in Kageyama's lap? He blushed and got up. He followed the sound of the music and saw Kichirou and Kageyama making breakfast in the kitchen. "Good morning you two." Hinata said with a smile on his face. Kageyama turned around and blushed from embarrassment. The two were covered in flour but the kitchen was clean. "Good morning mommy! We made waffles and sausage!" Kichirou said, running over to Hinata and giving him a hug. "Woah, good job. High five kiddo." Hinata said, as Kichirou gave him a high five. Kageyama the three of them plates. Kichirou ran to the dining room and started eating. Hinata could tell something was wrong with Kageyama. Maybe he shouldn't have told him all of that yesterday. 

The alpha took out his phone then Kichirou pouted. "No phone at table daddy!" Kichirou yelled. Kageyama sighed, then continued to eat quickly. Once he was finished with his food, he put the plate in the sink and began calling someone. He walked outside to finish his phone call then Hinata sighed. "Mommy did I do something wrong?" Kichirou asked, a bit confused. Hinata shook his head then smiled. "Of course not, baby. Today is going to be a really stressful day for daddy since we're moving and everything. And we have to go to a place where a lot of people ask us a lot of questions. And if we don't answer the question correctly, daddy might go to jail." Hinata said, realizing the severity of everything. Kichirou pouted then went outside. Kageyama flinched at the little boy crying and hugging his leg tightly. 

"Excuse me sir. Kichirou, what's wrong?" Kageyama said, as he put himself on mute and bent down to the little boy. "Mommy said you might go jail!" Kageyama nodded then hugged him. He was never going to lie to his son. The fear of Kageyama going to jail for rape was big for everyone. "I might, but if everything goes well we'll have nothing to worry about Kichirou. Don't worry." Kichirou nodded. Kageyama picked his son up and brought him back inside. He saw Hinata cleaning up everything else. "Okay the moving company should be here in about 10 minutes. Do you want me to give them any requests?" Kageyama asked Hinata. The omega nodded. "Can they put the room's name on the boxes? I really need it for all of Kichirou's things." Hinata said, Kageyama nodded and got back on call with the moving company. 

"Okay buddy, let's get this flour off of you-" Hinata started to say. Kageyama stopped him then cleared his throat. "No, we're getting ready at my house. It'll be easier. Our ride will be here any minute." Kichirou gasped then cheered. "We ride in limo!" The little boy yelled throughout the house. Hinata snickered then went to Kichirou's room. "We can't forget fins now. I'm sure he'll want to come." Kichirou gasped. He grabbed the stuffed animal from his room then sat on the couch. After a little while of waiting their ride finally came. Kageyama led them to the limo and they greeted the driver. They got in and Kichirou was basically bouncing off the walls. The drive was fairly long, Hinata felt so out of place, but the fanciness was nice. 

To Be Continued...

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