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Bradly Newman

Lissa stood up abruptly and walked into the house, My face was laced with confusion that was all until I turned around and came face to face with Blake. Blake had broken her past repair and the only ones who could see it were Martin and myself. Maybe even Casey, He seemed to know her pretty well. "What do you want" I stood and looked at Blake. "I just wanted to say goodbye to her" He said softly. "No you just wanted her to break, You wanted to show her that you have the upper hand, You wanted to show her that nothing she does will affect you but know this Blake, You threw out a queen don't go running to her when this one throws you out like trash or did you forget the fact that she has been cheating on you your whole relationship with Jody? That she sleeps with him almost every night" Tony scoffed. "Oh that's right I wasn't supposed to tell you that" Tony death glared the girl.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I feel guilty for sleeping with someone else one time when you've done it our whole relationship?" I looked in the house hoping that Lissa was listening but I didn't see her, Normally she would look out the window and watch but not this time which normally meant that she was done. Mum came running outside with a limp Melissa. "Mum what happen?" I rushed to pick her up. "She threw up then dropped, Do you think it's back?" I hope not she's been cancer-free for just over 2 months. "Why are we just sitting here?" Martin screamed. I gave him a look did he really think we would just sit here and do nothing. "Guys I'm fine I just got a little light-headed.

"She's beautiful" The girl Blake brought with him smiled. That was when Melissa noticed them. She smiled at the girl and that was because she had done nothing wrong, She did nothing to hurt Lissa and Lissa would never blame her. That was just Lissa she was kind-hearted but I had a feeling that this time Blake will get no second chances, She will never forgive him not for what he did but how he did it. "Mel I didn't mean to hurt you" Blake started but she stopped him. "My name is Melissa, You don't hold that nickname anymore and I'm not angry at what you did it's how you did it, You could have told me Blake but no instead you use me for your own convenience and throw me away once you're done. But that's the thing Blake I'm done, I don't want your sorry's, I don't want your excuses and to put it plainly I don't want you in my life" Lissa said it so calmly. She didn't raise her voice yet she showed that she meant it. "Oh come on I'm your best friend you can't do that to me" She laughed. Like literal laughed.

"I'm not your best friend Blake. I might have been at one point in our lives but not anymore" She smiled at him like this didn't pain her. "What do you mean might have been" Blake yelled at her yet she stayed still. "Before I left we were best friends but when I came back you didn't know me not really and you still don't but we fooled ourselves into thinking that this could happen, Nothing just happens for me, I don't want you in my life Blake I wish both of you good luck for what the future holds for you but please just leave me out of your story, I want nothing to do with you anymore, You had your chance and you blew it twice now goodbye and good luck" Blake didn't move. "B-but your my best friend your the only one who knows everything about me your the one I turn to when I need help you can't leave me like this" Melissa sighed. Getting fed up with the whole thing her calmness evaporated.

"Blake just leave, You are never going to get what you want out of me, I'm done, Finished there is nothing you say that is going to make me change my mind" Blake shook his head you could see his eyes start to gloss over, He was about to cry. "Fine but don't come running to me when you need something Melissa, You are now officially dead to me" She shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever gets you away" The ambulance showed up and she jumped in trying not to anger our mother. "She will be okay right?" Tony asked as the ambulance drove away. "She has us and that's all she truly needs" Casey said before making his way into his car.

"You know sometimes I think Casey is in love with Melissa" Martin said as we made our way to our car. As bizarre as that's sounds I think he's right. "He is but every time he wants to tell her something comes up or there's someone else in the picture, He will never tell her now, He doesn't care if he will ever get to be with her the way he wants as long as he is in her life he is contempt" Tony said as he jumped in the car and throughout it all Megan sat there in silence.

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