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Bradly Newman

It was like time had stopped, Like we were frozen in time. No one said anything, No one moved. She wasn't breathing that was evident her body didn't move and was slowly starting to turn blue due to the fact that no oxygen was getting to her brain. I heard shuffling feet from behind me. I knew it was my parents before I even saw them. Still, it felt like the world was moving in slow motion afraid to move on.

I hope someone had called the hospital, I hoped someone would save her we were all under the illusion that she was going to make it, She had to make it she was almost in remission, She was almost there. Sirens could be heard in the distance someone had the courage to call them that someone not being me. I was frozen my feet locked in place the only thing moving was my brain. My thoughts were running rampage. "She's not breathing" It was a whisper, Whisper to myself to remind myself of the reality and the reality was if she was to die, If she was to leave me we never made up I was angry at her I didn't get to tell her that I was sorry, I didn't get to give her peace. She showed up knowing that it could cause complications she knew something could have changed but she didn't care she showed up for me. She showed up yet I let her down.

"Brad come on" Blake pushed me but I was stuck in a trance, If I had understood her more she would be at home breathing she would still be here with me. My legs started to move on their own someone was pushing me I could feel their hand on my shoulder guiding me. It was like I was stuck on a never-ending rollercoaster. I couldn't see straight I was dizzy not because of anything but because I was afraid. I didn't want to know the outcome I wanted to believe that Lissa was right. Why didn't she just stay home? I already knew the answer, She couldn't live with the fact that she was breaking yet another promise. She had broken so many in the last couple of months she didn't want to break the one that meant the most to me. It meant everything to have her here today and I might have just killed my sister.

We arrived at what I assumed was the hospital I was still in some sort of trance, I was stuck in the middle, I wasn't living but I wasn't dead time meant nothing here, I had all the time in the world yet no time at all. "Lee open your eyes" Martin's voice broke me out of my trance. "This visit has nothing to do with her cancer I want to make that very clear before we go forward" We all looked at each other. We were so used to cancer running her life we didn't even think about anything else. "Then why is she here doc?" I found myself asking. This was the first time I had spoken to anyone but myself in the last 6 hours. That's how long I had been stuck inside my own body. "She had a severe allergic reaction, Nobody could have noticed it because it was showing signs inside her body and not the outside where just lucky that she was surrounded by people she got here just in time" We all knew what would have happened if she didn't come to graduation she would have been dead. "But what was she allergic to? We've had tests we not allergic to anything"

"We have no idea what it could have been but she's been exposed to it in the last 24 hours" She was exposed to a lot of things in the last 24 hours it's going to be hard to narrow it down. We looked at him like he was crazy. "It was something she was inhaling that's the only thing we could put it down to" We all looked at each other and mum froze. "I tried a new air freshener I only used it yesterday and today" Mum was a second away from tears. "I almost killed my daughter" She wailed on the brink of tears. "You couldn't have known" The doctor reassured her. "She was deprived of oxygen for a long time so we wont know anything else until she wakes up" mum shook her head while dad remained silent. One look was all it took for me to understand. "She could be brain dead" Blake said as the others stayed silent. Noah if you can here my plead I'm begging you save my sister. Please I will do anything any of us would just save my sister.

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