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Melissa Newman

No one had called Lee by the time we had gotten to the hospital, Everyone was too frightened, and frankly, he didn't need to know everything about me where I am 24/7 next thing you know he'll want a notification for when I take a shit, Maybe he opt to check that out. It didn't take long to give our statement to the police, Mine was simple I saw a lady in danger and I attacked. Blake and the boys took off to school per my request they didn't have to wait forever just for me to get seen. It was busy today. I was getting a little lightheaded. Walking up to the reception. "I'm feeling lightheaded I think I'm losing too much blood" I looked at the lady and she rolled her eyes. "Stop being dramatic and wait your turn" Oh boy she's not gonna have a job when I finish with her. A doctor walked past. "Hey, you page my mother Taylor Newman and tell her to come here right now before this lady lets me bleed out and die" I opened the hoodie that Blake had leaned me and showed him the damage that the receptionist had ignored. "You are so fired" He laughed as he paged my mum.

The receptionist eyes bulged out of her eyes. "Please don't tell them I need this job" She pleaded with me. "You should have thought about that before you ignored the obvious signs, her skin is pale she's covered in fresh blood how long have you been here Hunny," My mum asked from behind me. "2 hours" I spoke still looking at the receptionist. "You've let my daughter slowly bleed out for two fucking hours" Okay my mother was more livid than I have ever seen her. "Go pack your shit now your fired" The lady walked away slowly served her right. "What the hell happened and where is Lee" I smiled at her as I told her how I saved a woman today. "Yeah well you may have saved a woman but thanks to that wit I need to save you" I smiled weakly. "Lee doesn't know"  This had all happened before we even set foot in the school.

I knew my mother was paging my father, I was their daughter and she was going to treat me, she wouldn't have it any other way. The hospital normally let her since they knew my condition and my wishes. My parents also didn't want another doctor spilling my information to someone who doesn't need to know. My father arrived soon after. "What is it with you and hospitals" MY father laughed. He was right I always found myself in a hospital I've been here 4 times since I came back to town. "Remember dad it use to be my home maybe I just miss it" My comment was meant as a joke but the looks on my parent's faces meant that they didn't find it so funny. "Call Lee and the school to get him and Martin out" Mum replied after my lack of humor.

I did miss the hospital but not because it was the hospital it was the people inside that I missed, I had friends in there and I hoped that they were okay, I hoped that they were as healthy as they could be. I haven't received any calls so that was a good sign. I couldn't hear their one-minute call not that many words were said between Lee and my father all dad had to do was say hospital it was surprising Blake never told him or if they even went to school in the first place. I had pleaded with them to leave and that I would be fine whether they listened was a different story knowing them they would have gone to Tony's mother's room.

Dad called the school to excuse Martin and Lee, My mother went into the school yesterday to change all the guardianship numbers and everything. There was a camp trip coming up that Martin and I wanted to go to but the likelihood of that happening was slim. We would be in the middle of nowhere if something went wrong there was nothing anyone would be able to do the closest hospital was 2 hours away, So we threw that thought out the window even though we did want to go. The whole senior year was going well if they could get their parents to sign the form. I knew the boys were going they wouldn't shut up about it. "Something about chicks in bikini's" Blake had rolled his eyes at his friend's behavior but I knew he was thinking about it too he just didn't want to say anything, He deserved to have some fun I wouldn't care it's not like we were together or anything, I was and will always be one of the guys to him. Even If I had the chance I wouldn't go there, I couldn't hurt him more than I already am.

Lee, and Martin arrived 10 minutes later, "What happened and where are Blake and the rest of them? I swear I will kill them all" I knew this was coming. " Therewith Tony's mother she is in really bad shape think of me times 10 they were all too scared to call you and once we got to the hospital we had to give statements and after that you kind of went over our heads" I didn't want to always rely on Lee he had his own life to live, he couldn't be stuck to me forever. Lee grunted swearing quietly. "If you think about it we were doing you a favor" My words made Lee even madder. "Lee you're going to college next year we're not, you get to live the life that we can" He didn't see it as a favor. "I'm not going to college not with you like this and if you insist there is a perfect community college not far from the house" That was the college I and Martin were thinking of attending, It was close to home, close to the hospital and if needed close to the treatment center. "You are not going to that college, you're going to a better one, you have football scholarships you could go to Australia if you wanted but there is no way I'm letting you throw away your future because of me Lee please live the life I cant, I need you to do that for me please" Tears were on the brim from falling, I would hate myself if Lee threw everything away because of me.

Lee could see how upset I was yet he didn't answer, He didn't want to leave me I get that but he had a life he shouldn't have to downgrade because I had limited time I couldn't do that to him plus I had Martin I would be fine as long as I had Martin.

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