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Melissa Newman

I was so tired last night that I didn't even make it to my bed, I settled for the couch. It was uncomfortable and by morning I would often regret it but at the moment I don't care that much but now that it was the morning I had a creak in my neck and it was sore. "The couch is not made to sleep on" Dad had commented. I had already known that I mean I should I'm the only one who sleeps on the dam thing. "We need a better couch if your gonna sleep on it from time to time" mum smiled. From the corner of my eyes, I could see the rolling eyes of my father. "I'll get one after work and have it delivered this weekend" It was all fun and games, after all, they were happy that I was home, that I was safe. I caught a glimpse of Martin the sadness radiated off him and I remembered something he had told me a few days ago.

"Mum can I talk to you for a minute?" Martin has done so much for me over the years it was time I did something for him in return. After pulling mum into the kitchen where I knew we wouldn't be heard we sat down at the table. "Martin's family is homeless because of all the medical bills from his cancer, they haven't had enough money to pay for his pills so he hasn't been taking them, I know that it's free for me because your contract with the hospital is there any way you can get his pills?" focusing my eyes somewhere else not having the courage to look my mother in the eyes. "Your father can get his I get yours were only allowed one person per staff member in the meantime he can stay here for as long as he wants I had a feeling something was wrong since he always slept here I was too afraid to ask him I would invite his whole family but the house isn't big enough" Finally glancing at her I could see the tears in her eyes she had become quite fond of Martin we all had.

Martin came from around the corner, he had been standing there since I brought my mother into the kitchen this was about him so I didn't mind. "Thank you Mrs. Newman" Martin came around the table to hug my mother. "You can stay here as long as you want I would ask you to move in but I don't think your mother would like that very much" The tears were gone and there was nothing but graceful faces. The rest of the family joined us in the kitchen as we explained the situation Lee looked at Martin weirdly. "Why didn't you tell me I could have helped you know" Lee cared for Martin, but he cared more than I had thought. The way he was looking at Martin was surprising but I let it go well for now.

"well you three better get to school otherwise your going to be late" Mother practically shoved us out the door. Walking out the door I noticed someone from the corner of my eye, "Blake what are you doing here?" Laughing to myself I shouldn't be surprised he would always drive me to school. I looked in the back of the car and the three boys were squashed at the back. Shaking my head I looked to Blake. "They look uncomfortable" Shrugging his shoulders he smiled. "The front seat has always belonged to you it always will be whether your around or not" This was his way of telling me no one had sat in that chair since I had left he never even let Beatrice sit in that chair and she was his girlfriend it was comforting but at the same time a little weird but I didn't mind. "I didn't know if you were going to talk to me today so I'm making sure that you do" I needed him in my life, I just needed him to make me see it.

Walking around his car I jumped in the passenger seat. "Good morning boys" I smiled at the back. "You remember us? Tony asked. "How could I not? Did you expect me to forget about you in 24 hours?" They had laughed but Jamie had a look on his face. "Aw Jamie, what's wrong?" Turning around to face him he smiled but shook his head. I get it they're not that comfortable with me yet but I would change that well hopefully. Lee and Martin were standing by my car whispering. Lee had his car but mine was better or so he thought I think it was because it was one way of always having me near him. Arriving at the school the first thing I saw was Melody and her black eye had gotten worse. I heard snickers from the back of the car. "Serves them right" Tony muttered but we all heard it. "Nice makeover Melody" Tony winked at her. She scurried away from me as did most of their group.

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