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Melissa Newman

The first thing I saw when I woke up the next morning was the smiles of my family, They were happy and I had no idea why. "Why are you all smiling like you have rainbows coming out of your ass" I mumbled as I stretched. "Were happy and so proud of you Lissa" My brother spoke as he stood up. "Why?" I frowned, I haven't done anything since I've come home why are they so proud. I was confused. "You did something for yourself even with everything you're going through" Mum said as she came over and hugged me. "Oh is that all I thought it was something else" I laughed.

Blake showed up when we walked outside it was like he was waiting down the road for me to walk out of the house. Blake kissed me on the cheek as he grabbed my hand. The smile on his face told me that he had been waiting for a long time to do that. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest, I felt at home. "We have to go to school babe we can't stay here all day no matter how much I want to" Blake's voice was like music to my ears. Casey, Tony, and Jamie got out of the car and carried me to the passenger's seat. "Sorry but we want to get to school on time" Casey said as he put my seatbelt on for me. The music was blasting as Blake held my hand driving with his other hand I tried taking my hand out of his grip but he wouldn't let me for some reason and when I said something about it his response was. "You're my girlfriend now I'm going to hold your hand every chance I get" I just rolled my eyes. "I've been waiting for this moment since we were 10 shut up and let me be" I rolled my eyes once again but only to hide the smile that was creeping up.

Everyone was watching us as we jumped out of the car and I tried to run away from Blake but the others ganged up on me and caught me. "You are no fun" I mumbled as Blake connected his hand with mine once again. "You know we don't have the same class right?" I was only messing with him I loved that he was so affectionate. "I'm dropping you off at your class" I gave him a look because he knew if he dropped me off he would be late to his own class. "I'll be fine babe" He shrugged and leaned in to kiss my cheek but I turned last minute and landed one on his lips just like I had planned.

His cheeks heated up as he blushed I continued to kiss each cheek which caused him to blush even more. "Aw how cute" I heard Beatrice from behind me and smiled. "You have dropped me off at my class now you need to get to yours ill see you at lunch bye babe" He had called me multiple times and I never thought I would be one to use that name but I did and he seemed to enjoy it. He smirked at the class as he walked off. "You don't deserve Blake" Melody said from behind me as I sat down. she didn't know me or what I have been through she just sounded like a bratty bitch. "You can't tell her who she does and doesn't deserve you weren't here when she was the only thing you know is her name and what you've heard from Sierra which is a bunch of bullshit so shut the fuck up" Someone said from next to me it was a girl with bright blue hair. I smiled at her. "Melody could fuck herself with a 7-foot pole for all I care" I looked at the girl again and I noticed who she was. "Megan?" She smiled at me.

Megan was one of my close friends when I left I didn't say goodbye I just left and never contacted the 3 friends I had left here she was one of them I thought they all moved away. "I didn't move Molly and trinity did and left me behind they became different when you left they turned bitchy and started acting like Sierra" I nodded in response I think me leaving triggered them. "They were always like that to me when you weren't around" I nodded I didn't know what to do with this information. "Fuck them I always liked you better" Smiling at her she nodded saying "I know that's why they did it I was taking their friend away" I laughed they were always jealous of something they would feed things to me about Megan which is why I turned off them in the first place. "They were bitchy long before you came I just realised it when I started hanging around with you that's why when we would go to the mall I would make up things to why they weren't there I kind of never wanted to hang out with them in the first place" I laughed I tried so hard for everyone to get along but in the end I despised my two best friends from kindergarten and started hanging with the new girl.

Class started after our conversation died down. "Want to have lunch with me?" I asked Megan hoping she would say yes. "But you sit at the popular table" That was my table they all just followed. "Well they can all fuck off" Tony heard me and scoffed. "Good luck with that" Tony threw his arm around my shoulder. "Do you want to die" Blake's voice came from behind me. "Get your hands off my girl" I rolled my eyes at their bickering.

Lunch came quicker then I had thought it would. I sat down at my table and hollered Megan over she was sitting by herself. "Why are you by yourself?" I asked wondering. "Well when you left Molly and Trinity did some shit and no one wanted to be my friend I've been by myself since you left" I looked at her guiltily. "It's not your fault Melissa" I smiled at her. "You will always be my friend Megan" I pulled her close to me. "Ooo we got new blood" Martin chuckled. "Your gonna scare her away Mar leave her alone" He laughed and muttered that he was joking but deep down I don't think he was she was in his seat. Everyone came to the table one by one Casey sitting next to me on the other side. "Hey you're in my chair" Blake huffed when he got here. "Take it easy dude I was keeping the chair warm for you" Casey laughed.

"You know you don't have to be next to me all the time right?" He laughed and just shook his head. "This will always be my chair like you will always be mine I wouldn't have it any other way" I smiled at him he was just so caring. "Lissa your nose is bleeding" Lee said as he handed Blake some napkins to wipe away the blood. Martin and I stared at each other. "Mar it's just one nose bleed don't worry about it" Lee finally clicked on to what Mar was so worried about. "No it's not Mel" I gave him a look to drop it and he did. We ate lunch with laughs. I could feel someone stare at the back of my head and when I looked I noticed Melody staring at me. "Feels nice to have her giving someone else a death stare" Martin mumbled as I pointed the fingers at her. Brody frowned until he noticed what Melody was doing and shrugged. What was her problem.

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