Beware of the football team..... Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

If I want you, I will get you..? What is this boy on crack..? 

Who says that? 

I just stood there and looked around the room. I was beyond confused.. Seth gets in my head, and it pisses me off. I want nothing to do with him and he just keeps on coming back for me. Can't he just get the clue?

Maybe he was never loved as a young boy. He has to take his anger out on other people. But what seems to me, he's filthy rich. He couldn't be a millionaire at a such young age. So, I guess he's loved. He's just probably metal. 

"Leona," I heard someone say interrupting my thoughts. I looked up and saw Heaven standing by the door. 

Her face had a expression like 'What are you doing..'..

"Hi," I said walking to her and pushing her outta the doorway into the hallway and closing the door behind me. 

I heard try to say something. I just grabbed her wrist and pulled her down the hallway back to the party. There was really no one in the living room, so I searched the room. Maybe, 7 people where in here. Where were they?

"What happened," Heaven interrupted my thoughts. She had a worried expression on her face. 

I searched the room for Seth. No Seth.

"He's crazy," I stated to her crossing my arms around my chest. 

Her eyebrow came up and all the sudden her face went to worried to confused. 

"He came in this room and He looked beyond pissed. Everyone was so scared, and everybody went to the ball room," She said in a whisper. Making sure that no one could hear, just me and her. 

Why is she scared Seth? I must be really missing something. 

Does he really have ball room in this place? Really, that's not real. 

"Why don't we go to the ball room," I said looking around for a door maybe leading to this 'ball room'. 

"No," She said quickly grabbing onto my arm. Like in a begging way. 

"Why," I said in a stern answer. 

"Because, I don't want to see Brett. He's been really annoying me lately, and been so possessive of me," She said like in a annoyed way. 

"Are all the guys possessive of their chick or something," I asked, cause obviously Seth has some possessive problems of me. 

"You will find out sooner or later, but most of Seth's guys are like crazy… Like what you said," She said while giggling at the last statement.

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