ralph macchio (valentines day special)

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you smiled warmly at your appearance, fixing your perfectly curled hair.

you bit your lip, you lipstick glowing perfectly.

you wore a tighter red dress- diamond stud earrings, and black heels.

you suddenly picked up your pocket book, before hearing a gentle knock at the door.

"y/n?" you heard- smiling at the sound of his voice.

you gently moved to the door- opening it slowly.

and there stood ralph.

you watched as his eyes widened, his jaw dropping at the sight of you.

you giggled softly, before taking his hand.

he looked you straight in the eyes- his face still drawn open.

"got ya?" you asked, leaning in to his lips gently.

the kiss was passionate- yet loving, all at the same time.

you both gently pulled away... his eyes still wide.

"well..." he started, moving his hand from behind his back to in-front of you, revealing a beautiful bouquet of roses.

you smiled brightly, your reaction causing him to laugh lightly.

"awh i love them!" you exclaimed, him gently placing them in your hands.

your eyes gazed upon the flowers... before looking back up at ralph, his beautiful brown eyes staring down at you.

"ready?" he asked gently- taking your free hand in his.

you smiled warmly.



you and ralph arrived at the restaurant, you both ordering the same food.

you and him talked for hours.

that's what you loved about ralph...

you could talk to him about anything and everything.

he told you about a movie he was a possible candidate for... crossroads, you laughing when he told you he'd have to grow a mullet for quite some time.

"you don't mind, do you?" he asked nervously, over your chuckles.

you suddenly stopped laughing, looking in to his worried eyes.

you smiled brightly.

"no, i'd love you either way. you know that."
you replied, his face lighting up.


you and ralph sat on the bridge- overlooking the glistening water.

his arm was wrapped tightly around you, your face snuggled into his chest.

the moon glowed dimly- along with a thousand stars, lighting up the night sky.

"god." ralph finally said, you looking up to him slowly.

"what?" you asked, taking his hand in yours.

"i'm in love." he finally stated, looking down to you with lustered eyes.

your eyes locked on his completely- you starting to sit up slowly.


from a distance... you heard The Power of Love start
to play, your eyes still locked on his.

his locked on yours.

it was perfect for the moment.

you felt his hands move up your neck gently, your moving to wrap around his shoulders.

you both leaned in... the most perfect kiss you had ever had.

you never wanted to let go.

and at that point...

you knew this was one out of the many valentines days you would spend with ralph.

ralph macchio (and the characters he played) imagines and povs!Where stories live. Discover now