Chapter 68 - Olivia

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One month later

As I watch the men finish up drilling in the shop sign, I smile as the final piece of the project comes together.

It's been a busy month, I never planned to dive right into getting the studio sorted, but I couldn't resist being here every spare minute I had.

I stripped and repainted both the outside and inside, or shall I say the boys did, they turned up one day and started working on different bits that needed to be done.

I had the windows in the studio cleaned, furniture and display stands delivered, I had some of my best work printed and set up around the shop for display.

The shop was actually the easy part, the hard part was setting myself up as a business, but after many long hours working through endless paperwork and phone calls, I finally registered it.

And now watching the final touch being placed, I have to try and hold back the happy tears.

The men step down from their ladders, "all done."

I remain silent, afraid if I speak, I might break down into a very happy sob.

I look up at the sign etched at the top of my shop, 'Olivia's Photography'.

"Is it alright?" one of the men asks as they pack away.

"Yes...yes," I choke, "It's perfect, thank you."

I pull my phone out once they move back towards their van, snapping a few photos, I hear a high pitched voice beside me.

"Oh my god!" Megs screeches as she walks up the sidewalk.

I turn to her smiling.

"Livy look!" she shouts, looking up at the sign.

"I know," I laugh.

When she reaches me, she passes me a cup of coffee, from our favourite coffee shop of course.

"It's perfect Liv," she smiles.

"I know," I reply, looking back towards my shop, "I can't believe it."

Megs arm wraps around my shoulder, "are you ready for tonight?".

I nod, turning back to her, squinting at the bright spring sunshine, "yeah, I'm so excited, and I finally get to meet James's parents."

"When do they get in?" Megs asks as we make our way into the shop.

"James is on his way to pick them up now, I think their flight got in at around 11," I reply, moving to the sofa in the studio.

Megs sits down beside me, "It's going to be so nice, I can't wait."

"You and Connor coming as a thing?" I smile.

Megs blushes, "yeah, Connor told the boys last week at practice apparently, so everyone knows," she shrugs.

"What! Why didn't I know the boys knew," I laugh.

Megs waves her arm through the air smiling, "sorry sorry, you do now."

"I need to set up the studio for tonight, want to help?" I ask.

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