Chapter 56 - James

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"The what plan?" I ask, yet again.

"Look man, this shit you're talking is all stemming from this mess with her, right?" he asks towards me.

"I guess," I shrug.

"Right," he butts in before I even finish. "So, I don't know why you're sitting here, all gloomy and fucking grumpy as shit, when you should be out there fighting for it, for her."

"It's not that easy, she said she wanted space," I reply.

"Have you spoken to her since Sunday? When, I would like to point out, you walked out of her house."

"I left because it felt like the right thing to do, she was to cut up for me to try and get through to her then and there," I add.

"Exactly," Henry nods. "She's had a few days, so why don't you go and talk to her?".

"That's not giving her space," I reply.

"Start off simple, she's gotta hate your guts first before she can remember she loves them too much," he smirks.

"No, I'm doing what she's asking of me, and that means giving her time and space," I finish, bringing my drink back to my lips.

"I'm going to be honest with you," Henry starts, smirk gone.

I raise my eyebrow at him, "you don't have the best track records with women, so let me help you out," he finishes, smiling again.

"Fuck. You."

He stifles a laugh before carrying on, "right, first step, talk to her, a simple conversation," he adds.

"This won't work," I reply.

"You can either carry on doing nothing, leave her be, let her move on and end up with another guy," he starts, and I feel my blood boil.

"Or you can do something about it," he finishes. "And judging from the anger radiating off you right now, I guess you would prefer the latter."

"Fine, I'll do something, but if this all comes back to bite me in the arse, I'll blame you," I reply, downing my drink.

As we both start to stand, Henry replies, "already has mate."


When my alarm goes off, I swear it sets my headache to another level.

Groaning, I roll over and tap my phone screen, silencing the horrid sound.

When I lay back, my arm lays lose and falls to the side.

The empty side.

A week ago I had Liv by my side.

How can things change so quickly?

Glaring at the empty space, I think back to what Henry said last night.

I click my fingers together, gathering Zeus's attention, who's hogging the bottom of the bed.

His head snaps up at the sound and he shuffles his way under my hand, nudging for a cuddle.

Liv was right.

He is a softie.

"What do you say buddy?" I speak.

"Shall we initiate the get Liv back plan."

Zeus settles his head onto my chest, "I'll take that as a yes."


After a long Christmas Eve walk in the forest with Zeus, I settle him at home before heading off in my truck.

I pull up outside Liv's house, her car isn't in the driveway, but there's lights on.

When the door opens, it's Megs who answers.


"Hey Megs, is Liv here?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "she's at the shop, getting last minute things for tomorrow."

I nod, "can you give this to her please, maybe don't tell her it's from me straight away," I add, passing her a thinly wrapped A5 package.

Megs takes it from my hand, "please make sure she opens it tomorrow, she will like it, even if it is from me, and tell her that I did it ages ago, and it's not something I can undo, so she should have it anyway," I continue blabbing.

Megs nods, "I'll pass it on."

I nod back and turn, "thanks."

"James," Megs grabs my forearm.

"She'll come around," she adds.

"Why do people keep telling me that, yet it doesn't feel that way," I reply, looking down at the concrete floor.

"She will, she misses you, I can tell," Megs replies.

I look back to her, "Is she doing okay?" I ask.

Megs eyes drop this time, "she's not drinking vodka, staring at photos of you, if that's anything," she smiles painfully.

I sigh.

"She's been having nightmares again," Megs whispers and glances back to me.

"She calls for you, in her sleep," she adds.

My shoulders slump at the thought of Liv suffering any more than she has, because of me.

Henry's right.

I have to get her back.

I have to fight for it.

I stand straight, "I'm going to sort this shit out Megs, I'm going to get her back, no matter what it takes."

Megs smiles, "let me know if I can do anything, now you better go before she comes back and goes all Hulk if she sees you."

I smile too, nodding before walking back towards my truck.

Finally, for once in the last week, I feel determined.

Determined to make Liv mine, for good.

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