Chapter 2 - James

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I take the last sip from my coffee as I glance at the clock. 945am. Practice starts in 15 minutes and it's the start of the season. Better get these boys into shape. I gather my papers with plays on them and tuck them into my file. I make my way to the door and step out.

Straight into someone.

Who the fuck are yo...

I glance down at her, she's on her knees with two large scrapbooks and photos sprawled around her.

I didn't budge a bit when I bumped into her, but she fell like she'd been hit by a bus.

Who is this girl? And what was she doing outside my office?

"Shit, I'm so sorry...I mean, sorry, sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," she says, panic in her voice.

Did she just swear at me?

I bend down and grab some of the photos from the floor. They're good. Really good.


She must be the new photographer. I forgot she started today. I just got a call from HR saying they had found me a new photographer and that her name was....was....shit what was her name?


O...O...Olivia. Yes, that was it.

I look up from the photos and meet her eyes. Beautiful eyes. She's motionless, staring at me.

Her hair is down, thick ringlets from the middle to the tip of her hair engulf that face. That beautiful face.

She's wearing jeans and some trainers and a hoodie. I know there's not exactly a dress code around here but seriously?

Who am I kidding she looks incredible. Angelic.

I break eye contact and look back down at the photos and start flicking through them.

"These yours?" I ask, "you took these?"

"Er, yeah, yeah, I erm did," she mutters. 

Is she flustered?

"I take it you're our new photographer then?" I ask, "Olivia right?," Lord please be right.

"Yes, I am, but please call me Liv, no one calls me Olivia anymore," she replies.

"James," I shake her small but soft hand.

I look back at the photos, wow, these are so good. If she produces photos like this for my team then I'm sure it with help with the marketing side of things.

"Not bad," I add, handing her the photos.

I look up at her face and notice her eyebrows are pulled into a frown.

God. Does this girl expect me to fall at her feet like she just did mine?

"I just came to meet you, I was hoping we could go over a few bits, HR didn't really tell me much on what they want me to do here," she says. Blimey. Where's that timid little girl gone?

"Take photos," I say. Fuck James, that was harsh.

Her slight frown is full on anger and pissed off-ness now.

"Yes, I realise that, but is there anything in particular you would like me to take pictures of apart from the boys. I have experience in photo design as well so I could do some of the displays around the arena and also work on any portfolios you would like. I am due to finish my degree this year so I would really like it if I could use this opportunity as my final year project. You know make my photos into a portfolio and presentation for my project," she speaks confidently now.

This girl might just have a little fire in her. I raise my eyebrows as she stops rambling and shrug my shoulders and start to walk away.

"Do what you please just stay out of our way," I respond, hard but true, I can't have any distractions around here.

But at the same time, I want to unleash this firecracker. If you're going to work with my team, then you need to have a backbone of steel.

" don't want me to do anything specific then?" She asks.

"No, couldn't care less. I have more important things to take care of than babysit you," I respond, smiling to myself as I round the corner and head down to the changing rooms.

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