Chapter 61 - Olivia

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Pulling back onto James's driveway, my mind is anxious about facing the new developments in my life.

I still can't get my head round my father showing up.

I make my way through the front door, heading into the living room, we settle ourselves into the sofa.

Megs is curled up with Zeus watching some new TV series.

"How was the game?" She asks.

"Good," I reply taking a seat.

"What do you girls fancy for dinner?" James asks, taking a seat beside me.

"I'm not hungry," I reply as Megs starts divulging ideas off at the same time.

They both stop and glance my way.

"Your hardly ate your breakfast Liv, you need to eat something," Megs states.

I shake my head, leaning back, "I need to sleep, preferably for eternity and then I will feel better."

James leans forward from the sofa, picking up the TV remote from the coffee table, he pauses the scene, silencing the room.

"Right, lets get some kind of plan in action to put your mind at ease," he adds.

Always the peace maker.

"Good idea," Megs replies, shifting to sit up.

I groan.

Megs scoffs, "Liv, you were the one who was so eager to sort this shit out."

"I know, but can't I do my usual and ignore it until it goes away," I fake smile.

"No, we all know what happens when you do that," Megs points at me.

"And if you do that, you'll end up homeless," James shrugs.

"I hate you both," I whisper, pulling myself forward, "I have a plan. I'll find somewhere to rent and I'll start looking for another job as well," I reply.

"Liv you're already working your arse off with the team and your project, you don't have time for anything else, and will that really cover rent," Megs asks.

"What choice do I have Megs, and my project is," I wave my hand.

"Is what?" James asks.

"What about you Megs, what will you do?" I ask.

"No, what about your project? You need to submit it to be able to pass Liv," Megs adds.

"It's fine," I reply, shaking my head.

"Olivia." James speaks.

"Ugh," I groan, "I haven't done anything for weeks, I have more important things to worry about right now than that, and anyway there's no point, who the hell was I to think I could make a career out of fucking photography," I reply, throwing my hands in the air.

Megs and James exchange a look with each other, and I get interrupted before I can ask what that was about.

"Don't say that Liv, photography is your life, it's what you've worked so hard to do, you're not just going to throw it down the drain," Megs replies.

"I agree, we will work this out," James adds.

"And life has changed, and I need something that will provide better financial stability, I have no choice," I butt in.

"Liv, please, don't throw this away because of him, he's already taken too much of your life away," Megs speaks softly.

I lean back in the sofa.

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