Chapter 22 - Olivia

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Breathe Olivia.

For fuck sake BREATHE.

James pulls me towards a door and opens it for us before closing it behind himself and locking the latch.

I move down the wall and perch myself on my bottom with my knees to my chest.

I close my eyes and try and take deep breathes.


Shit, this hasn't happened for a very, very long time.

I don't have my bag with my medication, and I don't have Megs.

That only makes the situation that much worse.

The earthquake is striking.

"Olivia, breathe, breathe Olivia," I hear James soothing voice as he crouches down in front of me.

I open my eyes as the tears stream down my cheeks.

The pain in my chest tightens as the air continues to get sucked away from me.

"I need to get you some help Liv," James says as he starts to get up towards the door.

Shit no.

"NO...noo," I let out airily as I grab hold of his hand and squeeze it as tightly as my weak body allows.

He bends back down to my level and moves some of my hair behind my ear.

"Olivia, I need to calm you down, I need to get some help, some water, something," he says, panic in his voice.

I reach my hand that's not in his grasp around to my back pocket and pull out my phone.

Three attempts before I type in the correct password with my shaky hands, I hold the phone to James.

I squint at the pain engulfing my chest with each breathe.

"...Megs..." I say as I gesture to the phone, "...Megs...".

I don't want her to know about this, but I know James isn't going to let this go easily.

James nods as he takes the phone from my hand and taps on the screen before placing it to his ear.

I'm still holding onto his hand, squeezing it to my chest as I try and calm my breathing.

"Megs, it's um James, the coach," I hear him mutter down the phone.

"It's Liv, she's having a panic attack and she won't let me go and get help, she told me to phone you, I don't know what to do," he states, concern etching every word that leaves his mouth.

"Okay...okay, okay," I hear him say before he puts the phone on loudspeaker.

"Liv, Liv, can you hear me," I hear Megs down the phone.

I nod, the pain making it too difficult to get a word out.

"She can hear you Megs," James replies for me.

"Livy listen, you are alright, do you hear me, you are more than safe Liv. Take a deep breath and count remember, 1...2...3...4 breathe, 1...2...3...4 breathe," she repeats as I try and focus my mind to her voice.

My hands are still trembling as both of them grip James's.

I keep my eyes closed as the pain starts to ease after what feels like a lifetime.

I hear James tell Megs that my breathing has calmed down and the shaking has stopped.

I look up at James when I see him putting my phone in his back pocket.

"She's on her way to pick you up, she'll be here in 15, she's getting an Uber," he says.

I take another breathe and close my eyes, the lack of sleep and food lately definitely not helping this situation.

"Can you stand Liv?" James asks, "lets get you to my office."

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