Chapter 4 - James

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I walk into the changing rooms and make my way to the front to address the boys.

I run over some of the plays and go over a few housekeeping bits before we head to the arena.

As we enter the arena, I glance up towards someone sitting in the empty stands.


She's got her camera out in her lap but is on her phone.

Lord I couldn't care less about the photos but something about her is drawing me in like a moth to light.

"Get off your fucking phone I don't pay you to sit around texting," I shout.

I feel the boys looking in the direction I'm shouting at. Shit. I should have warned them about her. No doubt one of these fuckers if not all of them are going to try and get in her knickers.

It's not like there's much of a womanly presence here usually.

"Do something interesting then! And I'm pretty sure you don't actually pay me so your statement is invalid," she shouts down at me.

I smirk at her. That nervous girl who bumped into me 20 minutes ago is long gone.

"Anyway, stop babysitting me and do your job!" she finishes.

I chuckle and turn to my boys, right let's focus.

The boys are looking good, following my every command and looking fresh and strong, right where I want them to be. A great start to the seasons training.

I look up towards Olivia and see her belly laughing with another girl.

Shit are women dropping from the sky today?

"Excuse me? Can I help you?" I shout in her direction.

"Oh hi, don't mind me," the girl replies waving her hand at me, "I'm just tagging along just ignore me."

"Olivia I already told you I'm not your babysitter, I am definitely not hers as well," I shout back.

Olivia stands. Jesus she looks like she's about to explode. She really is a firecracker.

"Look mate," she shouts, "why don't you focus on doing your job and I'll focus on doing mine, I'm not shouting at you, scrutinizing your every move and decision so don't do that to me."


I was not expecting that.


No one ever puts me in my place.

I watch her as she gathers her belongings and starts to leave with the other girl.

I'm not letting her leave without having the last word here.

I need to stand my ground.

"Next time I expect to see you without your reliant friend and ready to work for a living," I shout.

"Have a good day," she shouts back as she exits through the double doors.

God this girl is something.

I look up and notice the boys are all stopped in their tracks. Looking directly at me.

"Who was that?" Sam says.

"Our new photographer," I reply. Shit, I should have definitely warned them to stay away.

Why am I feeling protective?

"She's fire," Leo adds "I like her."

"Stay out of her way boys, I mean that," I state.

"You got dibs coach?" Tommy says to me smirk on his face.

"No, she's an employee to me, a co-worker to all of us. So, she is off bounds do you hear me boys."

They all laugh and giggle like a bunch of schoolboys.

"UNDERSTAND," I shout towards them.

A mutter of 'yes coach,' 'understood coach,' echoes before they return to their drills.


This girls got me whipped and she doesn't even know it.


The boys clear the rink and hit the showers as I make my way back to my office. I open the door and notice a small photo on the floor.


It must be what Olivia dropped.

I pick it up and glance at the little girl staring back. A little Olivia?

I continue taking the photo in as a sit down at my desk.

The girl looks just like Olivia, she's smiling brightly and is on a swing.

It can't be Olivia if she took the photo. Maybe a sibling?

She probably wants this if it is. I better keep it safe so I can return it to her.

I look at the clock that reads 1134am and sigh as I lean back in my chair.

I got called out last night and barely got 2 hours sleep.

I work two jobs, not because I have to but because I love them both equally and I'm lucky enough to be able to do them around each other.

When I'm not coaching the team, I work as a detective for the city's police department.

I grew up and lived in Dallas until I was 18 and went pro for the Dallas Stars. When an injury to my leg left me out of the game I turned to coaching. I loved it and still do but it wasn't enough. My father was a police detective for 45 years before he retired to work and help my mother manage their diner. God I miss that diner. God I miss them.

I moved to England 7 years ago when I was 25 and took a job as the city's ice hockey coach and worked my way to becoming a highly respected detective.

I never really know what made me want to leave Dallas. I love it there and would go back in a heartbeat. But the idea of moving away and starting a new life seemed too exciting and when I felt lost with my coaching career at the age of 25 I decided to up and do it.

I've lived a pretty simple life in the last 7 years. Working. That's pretty much it.

Working and getting by.

What a life huh.

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