Chapter 43 - James

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I sit up abruptly when I hear loud knocking at the door.

Zeus is barking downstairs and know that should deter any potential burglars.

Shit James, who the fuck knocks before burgling your house?

I stand quickly, the book I was reading falling to the floor.

I must have drifted off after Liv hung up.

I jog down the stairs and switch the hall and outdoor light on.

I remove the chain and place the key in the door before opening it.

I pull the door back to see Olivia.

"Olivia," I state surprised.

"J..ames," she sobs, inhaling deeply.

I pull her arm, helping her inside.

Once she's under the light I eye her flushed skin, goosebumps covering every inch of exposed skin.

What is she wearing?

Her make up is running and her hands trembling.

I pull her towards me and hold her while she sobs into my arms.

"Olivia what the hell happened? Where's Megs?" I question.

"She left me," she hiccups.

"What? What do you mean she left you?" I pull her back and look at her in the eyes.

She's breathing heavily and her eyes are puffy.

She takes a deep breath before speaking, "I had an argument with her and she left me and I tried to get an Uber but my phone died and then I was walking here and there was..."

"Stop, you walked here?".

She nods.

"Fuck Olivia, its 2am! How reckless are you."

She breaks into more crying, and I pull her back into my arms, "shit, I'm sorry Liv, I just can't believe you walked the 20 minutes here from town, why didn't you ask someone to use their phone?".

I pull her back and notice the flushed skin has returned to pale, not the normal Liv pale, an unnatural pale.

She stumbles on her bare feet, shuffling side to side and I remember how drunk she is right now.

She closes her eyes and sways sideways, my two hands on her arms are the only things holding her up right now.

"Olivia, why didn't you use someone else's phone?" I ask again.

"I tried but couldn't and there was this guy who came after me."

"What!?, who?".

She drops her head forward onto my chest.

"Olivia, open your eyes, who came after you?".

"I don't know," she whispers into my chest, "I ran from him and came here."

"I'm sorry James," she breathes, tears still rolling down her cheeks.

"It's okay Liv, you're safe now, come on, let's get you to bed."

"No, wait James," she grabs my arms.

"What?" I reply.

I can see the cogs turning in her mind.

"I...I have to tell you what happened," she whispers.

I frown and grasp her hand in mine.

"You just did Liv, you can tell me the rest in the morning," I reply, trying to usher her towards the staircase.

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