Chapter 26 - Olivia

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I grab hold of his shoulders as the ground slips beneath me again.

He grips my waist as I fall towards his chest.

I look up and meet his eyes.

"Careful there," he replies quietly, "wouldn't want you falling again."

Too late for that.

We stand in silence for what feels like a good few minutes before I notice his eyes glance down to my lips for a split second.

I move my hands down from his shoulders onto his chest.

Still very aware of his thick hands gripping around my waist and back.

I can feel my heartbeat as I stare at him, taking in every inch of his face.

His hand moves slowly up my back, sending tingles through every nerve, before finally settling on the back of my head.

"Did you hurt yourself?" he finally breaks the silence.

I swallow and lick my lips as I try and bring some moisture into my dry mouth to reply.

"N-no," I stutter out, "I didn't hurt myself."

"Good," he mutters as he pulls me an inch closer.

I feel the butterflies take over my stomach as he leans his head down slowly, not breaking his gaze from mine.

I close my eyes as I feel his breath inches from my lips.

A loud shutter sound fills the arena and half the lights shut off, leaving only the automatic night lights on.

I snap my head back as it happens, giving me a split-second fright.


And now ruining this moment.

James clears his throat slightly before pulling back, "right, better get going," he says.

"Yes, right," I reply.

He brings his hands up to my arms and glides me slowly towards the rink door.

We take our seats on the bench in the team box and untie our laces, a slight but noticeable tension in the air.

Once I finish tying my laces of my trainers, I grab my camera from the end of the bench and turn to see James already stood and picking up both of our skates.

He hasn't looked at me once since we got off the ice.


Did I blow it?

We walk in silence to the store cupboard and James places the skates back.

"They're kept here, if you ever want to get some time on the ice," he replies, finally looking me in the eyes.

"Oh, thanks, probably best I keep to dry ground but I shall note it," I reply, smiling at him.

Please smile back.

He doesn't.

"Right, I need to grab some bits from my office, so I'll see you tomorrow then," he adds.

I feel my heart sink.

We shouldn't have done that anyway, I try and tell myself.

It was for the best it didn't happen.

I can't tell if he is pissed that it nearly happened or didn't happen.

"Yes, okay then," I reply.

I watch as James turns his back to me and starts walking down the corridor.

I slowly turn around and take a few steps away from him.

The feelings of tomorrow return.

The worry.

The dread.

And now the feeling that he hates me.

That I did something wrong.


I can't deal with that.

I quickly turn on my heels and shout, "James!".

He stops in his steps and turns around to me.

I take a breath and realise how desperate I will sound if I ask him about what happened.

Or how I might ruin my career if I address any type of 'feelings'.

"Yes, Liv?" his voice from down the corridor snaps me from my thoughts.

Walk away Liv.

Do not address this.

"Sorry, nothing, have a good evening," I reply and just as quickly turn and fast pace my way to the exit.

Damn I wish I drove today, so I can run to my car and run away from my growing problems.

I make my way out of the door and am welcomed by a crisp October breeze hitting my cheeks.

I take a deep breath and pull out my phone to order an Uber.

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