Chapter 36 - Olivia

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As we walk through the hall towards the kitchen, I can't help but glance around, trying to catch any glimpse into a female presence in his house.

There isn't from what I can see, it's neat and tidy, minimal decorations and furniture, just the essentials, and everything is creamy, beigey in colour.

Once we're in the kitchen, he grabs the kettle and heads for the sink, "still up for a coffee? I can make you something else if you want?".

"Oh erm, you don't happen to have decaf, do you?" I ask.

"No, sorry," he replies.

"No that's fine, I'll have a water please," I reply, taking a seat at his breakfast bar, "you sure Tommy is going to be alright?".

"Yeah, he's a tough one, he got lucky," he replies, passing me a glass of water.

"Thank you," I slide it towards me, "lucky? Seemed pretty bad to me."

"He will be out for the season and needs rest but ultimately he's not out of the game for good, that's where he's lucky."

I think back to the photo of him in his office.

"Did you use to play?" I ask.

"Yeah, played for the Dallas Stars when I was 18," he replies, pouring the boiling water into a mug.

"You lived in America?".

"Yeah, born there, moved to the UK when I just turned 25."

"What made you quit so early?" I ask as he comes to stand directly opposite me at the kitchen counter.

"Injury, put me out for good," he replies, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Oh shit, I never even thought about the risks of this game," I reply, "I haven't been that scared in ages watching Tommy."

"Yeah, it's crazy how something simple can destroy your career when you're in the sporting industry," he replies.

"What happened to you?" I ask, "I mean what was your..."

"Injury?" he finishes, and I nod.

He moves around the island and lifts his foot to the pedestal of my seat before pulling his trousers up, revealing a thick scar along the bottom of his knee.

"Ouch," I reply.

"Skate directly across, tore through ligaments and muscle," he replies, walking back around the counter.

"Fuck, sorry that happened to you James."

"It's good, bought me to this job, and the police so I can't complain, I love what I do now."

I smile at him, and he smiles back.

"Can I ask you a question?" he asks.

I swallow.

"Oh, yeah sure."

"Why decaf?" he asks.

I smile down at my water, "oh erm, I was told to change to decaf, to help with the anxiety, and keep my mind calm, or some shit like that," I laugh awkwardly, "I guess I've just stuck to that now."

"Makes sense," he replies nodding.

He shuffles on his feet, "you need to be getting home for anything?" he asks.

"Oh, no, Megs is with her boyfriend tonight so I'm home alone," I reply.

"Want to watch a move? Or if you want to get home that's fine, don't feel like you have to st-"

"I would love to," I cut him off from his rambling.

We make our way to the living room and pop down on the sofa together, leaving some space between us of course.

"What's your favourite movie?" he asks.

"Oh god, I don't really have a favourite movie," I reply, bringing my feet around to my side.

"What? Everyone has a go to movie," he adds.

I laugh, "fine what's yours?".

"Die Hard."

"Wow, didn't even hesitate," I reply.

"I don't need to hesitate, it's a great film."

I laugh again, "fair enough, fire away, I love a good action movie," I reply.

We sit for a while, in comfortable silence watching the movie.

I feel a breeze through the cracked door and shiver.

He doesn't even say anything, just brings one of the throws from the back of the sofa down and drapes it across his legs and holds it up for me.

It's a big blanket, but it does involve me shuffling closer to him.

I glance at the blanket and back at James.

"Come on loser," he adds.

I roll my eyes and shuffle sideways, under the blanket, my shoulder touching his.

"Oi, shut it," I reply.

I feel him snigger.

A few minutes later, I can feel how tired I am from the warmth the blanket is producing.

And probably also the warmth from this human radiator I'm next to.

I stifle a yawn, just as Zeus jumps up at the end of the sofa my feet are curled up at.

He shuffles round and brings himself down into a curled-up position.

I pull my leg from underneath him and shuffle more into James to allow room for everyone on the sofa.

I feel James lift his arm as I do and bring it round over my shoulder pulling me towards him.

I give Zeus a rub and focus my attention back to the movie.

I watch, or stare at the screen, unaware of what's really happening, all my focus is on the hand that's rubbing up and down my arm, and the chest my other side is hauled to.

I lean my head back and it meets a firm surface, I rest it there for a few seconds, taking in the small movements from his breathing, before turning it and my body sideways slightly, to rest my hand and face into his chest.

He doesn't objectify, just pulls me closer.

I'm met by warmth, comfort and that feeling of safe all over again.

Wrapped in his thick arms, his slow, steady breaths gliding me to sleep.

Just as I drift, I feel a small, slightly wet sensation on the top of my forehead.

I'm too far gone to try and work out what it was.

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