Chapter 44 - Olivia

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I wake up with throbbing in my head.

I blink my eyes open and notice the familiar décor and bed I'm in.

Why the hell am I at James house?

I sit up slowly and glance around for my phone.

Where are my things?

I look down and notice the tee and baggy joggers, when did I change clothes?

I pull myself up and walk to the landing, James's bedroom door is ajar, and I knock before slowly pushing it back.

The bed is made but a little messy on one side, there's a book on the floor.

I walk downstairs, "James?".

No reply, where would he have gone?

I walk to the kitchen and greet Zeus; I notice my phone on the side and a note.

I grab the note first.

Gone into work – I will be back before you're up.

We need to talk.

J x

We need to talk?

I grab my phone and turn it on, letting the hundreds of messages and phone calls from Megs settle down before I flick through them.

"Where are you?".

"Are you safe?".

"Why is your phone off?".

"Liv answer me please!".

"I'm sorry about Mark, please let me explain".

"Spoke to James, call me in the morning Liv, I'm so sorry xoxo."


What happened with Mark?

I place my phone down and rub my temples, as if that will bring my memories back.

Think Liv, think.

I was out with Megs, then what happened.



The arsehole, he was tracking Megs.

We argued, I walked outside.

Then what.

I pace the kitchen and look down at my dirty feet and eye the still muddy and gritty soles.

Why are...

"Shit," I shout.

My phone died.

That man was following me.

I ran here.


"No, no, no."

I run my fingers through my hair.

I told him.

I told him I killed my sister.


I eye the note again, 'we need to talk'.

I lean my back against the counter and slide down the floor.

Zeus comes up beside me and sits, panting next to me.

I give him and rub and a cuddle when I hear the front door being opened.

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