26 - Aleksander

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They rode into the palace grounds with the other First Army soldiers, the carriages containing the cannons following them. He was more than proud to have completed their first assignment from the king with such ease. Their success would go a long way.

Correspondences had been sent to the camp in Poliznaya, and a group of their most experienced Fabrikators were sent to the palace to examine the weapons. Aleksander had no doubt they would be able to find out how they worked and recreate them with relative ease too.

Even so, his stomach turned as they passed through the gates. The king had been more than generous with them thus far, but it was hard to relax when their position remained so tenuous. They still received nasty glares and disrespect from First Army soldiers and regular civilians.

The Grisha paid it little mind though, continuing to work hard in their lessons and wearing their keftas proudly.

They dismounted, handing their horses to the nearby servants, and making their way inside. Unfortunately, they were not given time to clean up after their long journey and were instead ushered straight to the kings council chamber.

Yelena hissed her annoyance as she fixed her hair and face with a wave of her hand, before turning to Aleksander and doing the same. In front of the soldiers, she kept her touches to a minimum, fussing over him as only a second-in-command. Nothing more.

He found that it hurt more than he had expected, it made him realise how much more he wanted from her.

After seeing to him she quickly touched up Marko, Eryk, and Lars before they reached the chamber, walking inside.

"Ah the witches," the king chuckled good-naturedly.

Yelena bristled but Aleksander bowed low, "Your Majesty."

"So," the king studied them, "I hear the Shu were defeated by only six of your soldiers. Impressive."

Aleksander nodded, "Thank you, Your Majesty. We were honoured to be of service."

"Well, where are the cannons I've heard so much about?" he took a swig from his goblet. Aleksander didn't think it was water.

The First Army soldiers stepped forward, placing it on the table.

Outside, footsteps and voices sounded. Servants opened the doors for Elitza and Averina, two Durasts, and Karina, an Alkemi.

Yelena introduced them to the king, "They will examine the cannons. We believe they may be able to recreate these devices. After seeing them in action, I assure you, with these weapons, Ravka will be truly unstoppable."

The king smiled at her, his eyes lingering, "I thought you were supposed to be Ravka's unstoppable weapons."

"We are," Yelena deadpanned, not reacting to his hungry gaze. "But one can never be too careful."

The king nodded, "Indeed. Very well. How long will it take?"

Elitza stepped forward, her hand tracing the cannon, "A day to examine. I'm not sure how long it will take for us to begin reproducing them. We will have to find out what materials they use, and of course source them before we can create more. We'll know by tomorrow."

He nodded, and they lapsed into silence as he studied them, "I visited your army camp in Poliznaya."

Aleksander saw Yelena pale beside him as he asked, "When?"

"I returned yesterday," the king waved a hand, "It is an interesting place. Your soldiers were very polite. Your appointed leaders neat and prepared. I admit it was a welcome change. Perhaps you could teach the First Army some tricks."

Blood Soldiers: The Second Army - Grishaverse PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now