❈ Chapter Twenty-Three: Not Too Late

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"Are you seriously asking me for permission on taking Jeno hyung out on a date with you because you think it'll be a fucked up move?"

Despite how light Jisung's tone was using and seemingly finding this situation amusing, Jaemin still winces a little at that.


"No offense hyung, but you're an idiot."

"Renjun already told me, I'm not really offended anymore." Jaemin nonchalantly waves him off. Because quite frankly, he himself thinks he's an idiot too.

"Well, just to let you know, you really don't have to ask me." Jisung sighs at the end when Jaemin raises a brow at him.


"Why would you think it will be a bad move to take your crush out on a date?" Jisung deadpans.

This is honestly so ridiculous, I can't.

"Don't you like him as well?" He tilts his head to the side, staring at Jisung with a weird facial expression.

The younger boy rolls his eyes, "is it seriously about that?" When he gets a nod in response, he pinches the bridge of his nose as if he's very disappointed in Jaemin.

"Hyung, we've already went through this. I literally told you when we confronted you– before Donghyuck hyung punched you." He mutters under his breath.

Chuckling nervously, Jaemin doesn't say anything first as Jisung looks up to meet his eyes and firmly states.

"You can take Jeno hyung on a date, you can like him, you can have him. He was never mine to begin with, and it was just a harmless crush."

"Before you start overthinking, I really don't mind." He emphasizes to make sure it gets through Jaemin's head.

"Jeno hyung and I have already talked about this after I confessed to him. We're on good terms and I'm also trying to move on anyway." He continues.

Jaemin then scratches his nape, "so... Is that a go card?"

Rolling his eyes in return, Jisung sighs deeply. "Jaemin hyung, for the last time, go ask Jeno hyung out and finally ask him to be your boyfriend."

"I will be happy and supportive for you two, I won't be mad or bitter or any of that sort."

Reaching out to grab Jaemin by the shoulders, he gives a gentle squeeze and says, "it won't be a dick move."

"I just think I would look like I'm backstabbing you or shoving it to your face.... You know?" Jaemin mumbles softly.

The taller boy snorts as he shakes his head at him, "trust me, it really won't be like that. I understand you guys."

"... I don't know, Sung..." Jaemin the  trails off, starting to feel more hesitant.

"Should I just wait til you have moved on from him, like a hundred percent?"

Drawling out a long groan of annoyance, Jisung tightens his grip on Jaemin's shoulders and starts aggressively shaking the elder boy.

Bittersweet ❈ ∫ JaemJen【✔】Where stories live. Discover now