❈ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆: 𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔

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"Hey Jaeminie!" Jeno beams at the said boy once he greets him, getting the same handsome and kind smile back from him.

"Ready to go home?" Glancing inside of Jaemin's neat locker just before the elder boy shuts it closed after he grabs something.

"Hey Jen," the younger boy smiles even wider if that was possible (it is, for him at least) by the call of his nickname.

"Ah, sorry baby. But I don't think I can walk home with you today..." Jaemin gives him an apologetic look, purely genuine when Jeno meets his eyes.

Furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, Jeno slowly blinks. "Huh? Why not? Is there something up?" Not realizing he was bombarding his best friend with questions, he grows curious.

Jaemin didn't mind, in fact, he sort of had that expectation of Jeno's reaction. He doesn't blame him thankfully, he would literally do the same if it was the other way around.

Reaching out to cup Jeno's cheek, he smiles at him reassuringly. "It's just some partner work I have to worry about," he says.

Still seeing the frown sporting on Jeno's face, Jaemin gently rubs his thumb near where Jeno's mole was located.

One of his favorite features of his best friend.

"Don't worry though, I'll be home afterwards too. I won't fool around or anything." He lightly says to brighten up the mood.

He knows Jeno is sulking quietly, although he's trying not to be vocal about it by whining and all. It's clear enough just by the look in his eyes, at least for Jaemin it is.

Sighing, he purses his lips while Jeno continues to stare at him intently. Almost as if he's quietly persuading the elder boy to at least walk him home first before running off for something else.

It's low-key working if Jaemin's being vocally honest.

Call him a simp, but he has a special place reserved just for Jeno, a soft spot if you will.

Sometimes he admits to it proudly, sometimes he lets their friends do it for him.

The main point is, it's obvious for a lot of people and he doesn't even try to hide it.

Jeno is a literal best friend material. Y'know?

So Jaemin is proud of that, relishes the fact that Jeno is his and he is Jeno's. In a completely platonic way.

Little did he know, it was only one-sided. Because for him, it's just nothing but platonic. But for Jeno, it's something more than that.

"Jeno..." He drawls out his best friend's name, almost like a warning. He knows that certain look of plead, he's seen it a bunch of times before.

And it's somewhat his fault, partially.

You know how you spoil a child a bit too much, that they slowly start to learn which buttons to push to have you give in?

Bittersweet ❈ ∫ JaemJen【✔】Where stories live. Discover now