Chapter 1

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I walked stealthily along a grimy street, it was close ten at night and the bars on this street were slowly filling up l, I was just heading towards my foster home, i was coming back from my martial arts practice and thought heack while I’m out I might as well hunt some werewolf’s -yes you heard me I said werewolf’s and hunt-, you see i hunt down werewolf’s and kill them its what I do, what I have done since I was just a young child of 11, but my hatred for werewolves had started before I was11


“Mummy, mummy look, look i flying!” my four year old self shouted as dad was holding on to me swinging me around on circles, we were spending the day at the park, mum looked up me from where she was sitting on the picnic blanket, she laughed a beautiful clear laugh,

“yes you are, my little butterfly” she said using her nickname for me, she said she called me butterfly because of my petite size and because i always reminded her of a happy butterfly in spring.

After a couple of more spins dad put me down and sat next to mum, she gave him a loving look and he too returned it, they always looked at each other with eyes full of love.

I was sitting in the grass making daisy chains when they came, a group of huge males came out of the forest and into the park where we were the only ones there, one of the men bent down low to say something to my parents, his fat ugly face close to theirs, he had a face that would haunt me for the rest of my life it was one i will never forget. I was about to go up to mum and ask who the strange men were, when all of a sudden, all of the strange men transformed in to big giant wolves, bits of their clothing were falling like snow around them as they snarled and growled at mum and dad, they both did not have enough time to run when the leader of the group pounced on them, all of the other wolves stood and watched as their leader tore my parents to pieces, i didn’t scream i didn’t cry eater i just stood frozen in shock, the adrenalin didn’t kick in until i heard mum scream “run Evangeline, and don’t stop running” i was running before she even finished her sentence.

+++end of flashback+++++

I ran from those men that day, but now im no longer running.

Ever since that day i have been moved from foster home to foster home,i never stayed anywhere long for two reasons 1) i had to keep moving or else someday a werewolf will find me, i did not want them to come to me, i came to them, and reason 2) nobody wanted me, nobody wanted the freak who was gone all the time, they didn’t want someone who would wake them up with screams from horrible memories.

I was about to take a shortcut through a dank alleyway when, ithit me, the horrible smell of wet dog, the smell that always told me a werewolf was nearby, i could see in the dim light of the alleyway two figures standing close together, i knew the had their backs to me or else they would have seen me. I started to walk quietly towards them, but i knew i had to be quick, werewolf had good senses, but, so did i, quicker then usual a leapt towards one of the guys pulling my silver knife out of my boots, as soon as i landed on top of him i aimed my knife at his heart and pushed it in feeling his knees buckle from the shock and pain, i jumped off his back as he slowly fell towards the ground, i turned around to face the other guy but he was gone “shit” i said as i was turning around to look for him, i hated it when they run away, it just shows how weak they really are, i heard a scuffle behind me, i jumped out of the way to see the guy standing right where i was before, quickly i sent a round- house kick straight into the guys stomach, then while he was bending down i sent him another kick, i heard the crunch of breaking bone as my foot his his jaw, the guy was starting to get angry and i knew it was only a matter of time until he fazed, so i quickly grabbed my knife and hit him in the chest with it, silver was werewolves only true weakness so the guy sucked in a deep breath as i sent it towards his heart, as soon as i was sure he was dead i drew the knifeout again and wiped it clean on his shirt, slowly i turned the guy over to look at his arm, there was no pack mark there, telling me that he was not part of any pack, i checked his friend too, he did not have a mark either, after checking their arms i slowly pushed them behind a bin, then started to walk quickly away when i heard footsteps near by.

10 minutes later i opened the front door to my new foster home, as i stepped inside i heard a familiar shriek “where have you been? its nearly midnight and You know you have school tomorrow, and im not having you late on your first day.....”

Midnight? Shit i didn’t realise that fighting those two rogues took that long, argh my new foster mum was still blabbering on, ignoring her i walked upstairs toward my room and crashed on my bed fully clothed.


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