Chapter One

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     "So, are you coming to Jason's party with us tomorrow night?" Taylor asked chewing her pizza across from me. Taylor Swift, my best friend ever since I met my other best friend. They were friends and I became their's.

     They argue about which one is my best friend. Justin Bieber wins by default, Taylor just doesn't feel my emotions exactly the same. Just on a lower level, she knows what I went through. Justin just understands everything I went through. He understands me like no one else.

     That's my best friend. Taylor is my girl best friend, the one I cry to, the one who takes me out to a party when I got dumped. The one who paints my nails on the weekends and watches chick flicks with me.

     I pulled the pepperoni off of my pizza and ate it, once I swallowed my food, I picked at the pizza. "I don't know if I will go, I just don't want another hangover like the last one." Then I turned to my best friend, that was sitting to my left. "If Justin goes, I'll go."

     Justin's attention planted on a long haired blonde passing by with a short skirt. Too short. She looks desperate as she smiles wide at Justin's smirk. He's such a player, it really gets me annoyed. But he always tells me that when he hooks up with the girls, that they are perfectly fine with a one night-stand. Wow. My best friend is such a whore, but I still love him.

     She passes by, and I wait in my seat at our table for his attention. But it doesn't come until I smack the back of his head with the tip of my fingers.

     "Ow! What was that for?" Justin rubs his head from the tiniest of pain.

     I cross my arms and roll my eyes at his obliviously yet adoring mind. "For being a whore." In the corner of my eye, Taylor laughs at my insult, even though it is just playing around. "Now, as I was saying..If you go to Jason's party, I'll go."

     Please say—

     He shrugs it off like its the smallest of favors, I would hate to have to go to parties too much. I don't like them much, only when I am stressed. But I'll just go because I haven't had a drink in a while. "Sure, but don't expect me to just follow you like a lost puppy." He wouldn't even if I asked.. "If you can tell me about her. I'll go, and make sure she is going too." He can never just do me a solid like a good buddy.

     Before I can respond to Justin, someone's muscular arm nudges Justin. "Scoot over real quick." Jason demands to Justin, but that is just their relationship. They demand each other around and dust it off. I don't get guys. Justin scoots after rolling his light brown eyes. Letting Jason sit in between us, and laying his backpack on the floor. I look back over to Taylor and she starts telling me about her new cat— "I'll see you at my party tonight, right babe?" Jason interrupts like he hadn't heard us talking. Scooting closer to me, he lays his head on my shoulder and leans in head closer to my neck.

     I end my sigh with an eye roll, adding a uncontrollable smirk down at my flirty crush. He's not all that though, but I had liked him since he came to this school two months ago. He was nice, then turned all popular but was super nice to us. So I liked him. "My name is not babe. It's Selena, and yes..I'll be there." Giving in, because I know he'll make me go like the other times.

     "Good, and we should all just hang out together in the basement. I've got the tv and mini bar all to myself. So meet y'all there!" He climbs out of his spot kissing me sloppily on my cheek playfully. Then walking off after grabbing his backpack, and heading for the jock's table. Stereotypical..

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