The first I love you

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You and Egon had been going out for about 7 months and you couldn't be happier. You loved Egon and you wanted to tell him but you were slightly anxious that he wouldn't reciprocate your feelings. You didn't know why but it gave you anxiety even thinking about telling him and it didn't help that you two weren't spending as much time together as you'd like. Though you both have been very busy and you haven't been sleeping lately which of course you haven't told Egon that because he'd get mad. Its not like you weren't trying to sleep cause you were its just that your mind wouldn't let you. You just hoped Egon wouldn't find that out.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

It had been a few weeks since you had slept properly and you had been seriously sleep deprived and you and Egon had been spending even less time together which isn't helping. You had stuck yourself in your office for a while and everyone was getting worried. Janine came up to your office earlier today to make sure you were ok. "Hey hun." Janine said softly. "Hello dear." You looked at Janine. "Are you ok? You've kinda been locked up in here for a while." You nodded, "there's a lot of work to be done." Janine nodded. "I know hun but you've gotta take care of yourself too." "I'm fine Janine." You continued to work. "When was the last time you slept?" Janine asked plainly making you pause for a moment and then continue your work. "Whatever do you mean?" Janine sighed and walked over to you stopping you from working. "You have huge bags under your eyes and you've been drinking coffee twenty-four seven, you also haven't come out of this room in weeks and you've even wearingthose clothesfor weeks so I can only assume you haven'tslept in a while." Janine pointed out. You nodded. "I always drink coffee twenty-four seven." You stated matter a factly. Janine rolls her eyes and pulls your chair back before standing you up and starting to drag you out of the room. "Janine what are you doing?" You protested. "I'm gonna take you to your room and make you sleep." Janine said and continued taking you to your room.

Once you two stepped out of your office Egon saw you two and walked over, "Janine what are you doing?" "I'm taking your girlfriend to get some sleep cause she hasn't slept in weeks." Janine looked at him. Egon raised a brow and looked at you up and down. "I can take her from here Janine." Egon sighed and looked back at her. Janine nodded and gave him your hand she was holding. Egon took your hand gently and started leading you to your room. 'Oh dear he's gonna be mad' you thought to yourself.

Once you two got into your room Egon sighed after closing and locking your door. "So you haven't been sleeping?" He looked at you, "Are there other things you haven't been doing?" He crossed his arms after letting go of your hand. You gulped slightly and looked down. Egon nodded, "what else haven't you been doing?" "Does that really matter right now?" You asked. "Yes of course it matters!" He raised his voice a bit. "Why? Why does it matter right now?!" You raised your voice to match his. "Because I love you Y/N! I'm worried about you. I want you to be ok and taken care of!" He yelled. "Well I love you too Egon! And its not like I was trying to stay up but my mind wouldn't let me!" You yelled back. "Well that is the first time we've said that to each other!" Egon yelled back. "Yes it is!" You continued yelling not really knowing why. "I'm going to kiss you now!" Egon yelled clearly no knowing why. "Well you better!" You still yelled. Egon kissed you on your lips softly making you kiss back. You both pulled away from the kiss. "Hey, I'm sorry for yelling." Egon said softly. "I'm sorry too, for yelling and not taking care of myself. I really wasn't trying to stay up I just couldn't sleep." You replied. Egon nodded, "Hey, if you don't mind I'd like to cuddle you for a while. I know I haven't been the best at making time for you recently and I wanna make up for that." You smiled softly and kissed his cheek. "I'd like that." You hugged him, Egon smiled and hugged back before picking you up and putting you in bed. He layer next to you after taking off his lab coat and cuddled you. "I ment what I said by the way." Egon said. You looked up at him, "hmm?" Egon looked down at you and smiled softly, "I love you." You blushed softly and smiled softly. "I love you too."

Egon Spengler x reader imagines and preferences Where stories live. Discover now