He confesses

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It had been a few weeks after Egon had realized his feelings for you but he still distanced himself from you because now he was scared of you rejecting him. He wanted to talk to you, to tell you that you didn't do anything wrong but he knew if he tried then you'd ask about why he'd been trying to avoid you and to be honest he wasn't sure how to tell you about his feelings. He knew he was in love with you and he wanted so badly to be with you he just wasn't sure thats what you wanted. He decided that it would be best to wait for a little while longer to talk to you so he could have time to figure out what he'd say to you. What he didn't know was that your fear of him being upset with or hating you had increased so much so that you had started getting emotional about it. You were never a very open person about how you felt about things, you didn't like to seem like an emotional person so you trained yourself to feel things internally, but with all of this going on you had actually started crying softly at night not knowing what you had done to make him not wanna even be around you. You eventually decided to confront him about it.

One night while he was working late he had thought everyone was either asleep or gone for the night until you came into the lab. He immediately knew who had walked into his office from the smell of your perfume when you walked up behind him. He pretended not to notice that someone walked in. "Egon." You called softly to get his attention. "Yes Y/N?" He focused on his work. "......a-are you ok?" Your voice was filled with concern, he could hear it and he knew he had put it there. "I'm fine Y/N." He shrugged. You nodded slightly, "alright then how come you take all precautions trying to stay away from me?" You raised a brow. Egon froze for only a moment before continuing his work. "I don't know what you are talking about?" He tried to play it off. "Egon. I am not an idiot, I can tell when someone is avoiding me." You exclaimed, he could hear the sadness and anger in your voice, yet again he knew it was his fault. He frowned for a moment, "I know you aren't an idiot Y/N. You're one of the smartest people I have ever met." "Then why do you keep lying to me as if I don't know any better?" You crossed your arms. He gulped slightly and sighed, "I'm sorry. You're right, I have been avoiding you." He said defeated. "I am well aware, what I'm not aware of is why....have I done or said something to upset you?" Your voice broke for a second, it was quick but Egon caught it immediately and turned to face you. "What?" He asked softly and quickly got up standing in front of you, "no, no. You haven't done anything wrong. Nothing at all. I am so sorry for making you feel that way." He looked down for a moment. "Then why?" He sighed softly, "I-I don't know. There's something wrong with me and I can't explain it and whenever I'm around you all these feelings arise and I can't describe it." He ran his fingers through his hair and groans. "What are you talking about?" You shook your head. "I don't know Y/N, that's the thing. I can't explain it, I've never felt this way before and it's messing with my head. I can't sleep without dreaming of you, I can't think without it somehow leading to you!" He looked back up at you. "You own everything about me, my thoughts, my dreams, hell even my actions." Egon gulped slightly. You raised a brow signaling for him to continue. Egon took a deep breath to calm himself down knowing this was it, knowing that he was about to tell you how he felt. "Y/N....I'm in love you. I've been in love with you for a while now though I didn't know it at first." You blushed softly and gulped. "Y-You're in love with me...?" He nodded slightly as his breath caught in his throat. He was about to find out if his feelings were reciprocated. "Egon, I.....I'm in love with you too." You smiled brightly. Egon was shocked and let out the breath he had been holding in, "really? You're being serious?" He asked hoping he wasn't dreaming. You nodded, "yes." He smiled wildly which kind of shocked you, you'd never seen him smile like this before, normally all he does is smirk or smile a small smile. "Y/N......d-do you want to get dinner with me sometime?" He nervously sputtered out which you found adorable. You smiled softly and nodded, "I'd love to Egon." He gulped slightly and nodded pushing up his glasses. "W-Wonderful, thats great." He chuckled sheepishly. You nodded and started to walk away, Egon watched as you slowly moved away from him still smiling. "Oh Egon." You turned around to face him and he nodded. "Yes Y/N?" He raised a brow slightly. "Please try and get some sleep." You said softly. He smirked slightly and nodded, "I'll do my best....I can't promise I won't dream of you though." You blushed softly and rolled your eyes playfully while shaking your head, "yeah, yeah. Goodnight Egon." You started walking away again. "Goodnight Y/N." He watched as you walked out of the lab.

Egon Spengler x reader imagines and preferences Where stories live. Discover now