The Girl

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Somewhere in Tokyo..

Takemichi lifted his head from the satin pillowcase, reaching his hand up to his disheveled black locks. He could feel himself in a state of confusion, his equilibrium completely thrown off by the time leap he had just endured. Sitting up in the bed he groaned, feeling his body aching with dull pains.

Where am I?

He gazed to the nightstand seeing two empty wine glasses, along with a picture frame. Picking it up, his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion at the photo of what appeared to be a couple. There he was, his arms wrapped around the waist of a girl sporting long hair, with the biggest smile plastered across her face. They were both dressed up nicely in the photo, the dress she wore was extremely snug around her body.

Who is this?

Takemichi's head snapped up, feeling the weight of the bed shift slightly. A sleepy female wrapped one arm around his waist, snuggling her face into his side.

"Hanagaki come back to bed."

Takemichi shrieked, jumping at the sudden interaction causing himself to fall off the bed onto the floor with a loud thud. The girl sat up quickly, rubbing her eyes before reaching over and turning on the lamp sitting on the nightstand.

"Michi what the fuck?!"

"W-What's going on?!" Takemichi scrambled to his feet, glancing at the girl once again. Her (e/c) eyes were now wide open glaring at the male who stood in front of her anxiously.

"This isn't funny Takemichi, I'm going back to sleep."

"N-No you're not! We need to talk!"

"Tomorrow Michi," she groaned. Frustrated with the lack of answers from her, he swiftly pulled the blanket off the girl's body.

"Takemichi! It's fucking cold!"

"you're fucking naked!" He screamed at her throwing the blanket right back onto her body. Looking down at himself, he realized he too stood there his entire body on display. He felt himself grow lightheaded at the idea that he was currently laying in bed with a girl he didn't even know.

What the fuck did I do?! Who the hell is she?! Where is Hina??

The girl stood up from the bed, going into a drawer and pulling out a set of sweatpants and an oversized tee. Slipping them onto her body, she walked over to Takemichi.

"If you didn't want me to spend the night, you could have said that. What's gotten into you?"

She looked down at her feet, tears beginning to brim the shape of her eyes. Takemichi panicked internally before placing his hands on her shoulders.

"I-I'm really sorry. I'm just a little stressed out. Can you wait here? I need to step out for a moment."

"Hanagaki, you always do t-"

"I'll be right back."

He rushed to put some articles of clothing on, looking around the room for his phone. Once he spotted it, he picked it up running out of the condo and searching through his contacts.

"Come on... come on... There," he hurriedly dialed the one person he knew would have answers as to what was going on.

"The fuck? Takemichi it's 2 in the m-"

"Chifuyu, I leaped back again and I know everybody's gonna be super pissed but I'm-"

"Slow down. I'll text you an address just meet me there."

Chifuyu abruptly hung up the phone groaning out loud. Fucking Takemichi.

It didn't take long for Takemichi to navigate his way to meet Chifuyu. Chifuyu was leaning against a store front, what looked to be a pet shop. Running up to his friend with a wide smile, Takemichi halted his steps seeing the look of annoyance on chifuyu's face.

Neither said a word as Chifuyu unlocked the shop door entering while Takemichi followed. Finding a place for both of them to sit, Chifuyu crossed his arms at the break room table.

"Alright. Why the hell did you leap back?"

"Well I thought after saving everybody, and making sure nothing else happened to Mikey I would come back and nothing would happen but then I woke up in a bed completely naked next to this girl and-"

"Girl? Are you talking about Y/n?"

"Is that her name? Whatever, I don't know. What the hell happened in the past few years?!"

"Let's see. Some of us went off to college, you being one of them. But something happened in your sophomore year with Hina. No one knows exactly. You guys were living together, you had proposed, and all of a sudden you were roommates with the twins, and met Y/n. You both have been together ever since."

"That just doesn't sound right... I need to figure out what happened with Hina."

"Takemichi stop," Chifuyu glared at him before uncrossing his arms and sitting up straight.

"Everything is good. Everyone is happy and safe and enjoying their lives. What if you and Hina just aren't supposed to-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Chifuyu. You're my best friend, I started this because of Hina and you know that. If I gave up on loving her I would have stopped leaping a long time ago. Thanks for the help. I need to find Naoto."

With an exasperated sigh, Chifuyu stood up from his chair.

"I'll drive you. Hes probably still at work."

With a nod Takemichi followed Chifuyu out to his car. The two drove in silence through the streets of Tokyo before they approached a police station.

"Thank you," Takemichi looked at Chifuyu, who didn't bother to make eye contact.

"If you leap back? Make sure no one else ends up hurt. Including Y/n."

Takemichi slowly sunk down into the passenger seat of the car, lost in his thoughts. He had so many questions, and while he knew leaping would help retrieve most of the answers. There was something burning in his mind.

"Do I love her? What is she like?"

Chifuyu scoffed with a smile on his face, as he stared down into his lap.

"I don't know how you feel about her. Maybe she's a replacement for Hina. Maybe you care about her. All I know is that she's hopelessly in love with you. She's great to all of us. She scolds you when you need it the most. She pushes you to do your best regardless of what it is. But the one thing that's special about her? She accepts us all, regardless of our fucked up pasts. Considering she hasn't know us as long as we've known each other, she's like family. So if you go back, let her down easy. Promise me."

"I promise," Takemichi nodded, thanking Chifuyu once again before heading instead the police station. Immediately spotting Naoto he walked over to him.

"Takemichi, not again."

"I'm sorry. I really need your help Naoto. I promise it won't happen again until I figure out some stuff."

"Fine. But don't bring Toman back into this Takemichi. And if you're going to see Hina? Set things right."

With a shake of their hands, Naoto trigged the leap back into the future, with Takemichi's resolve to find his ex lover, and figure out what caused him to immerse himself with another girl he had no idea about.

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