Chapter 43: The Hits Keep Coming

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Ben was right. Finding the lake was easy because it was giant. I saw Kane sitting at the end of a wooden pier, extending out in the lake, staring straight ahead and looking as frigid as ever. I took a deep breath and made my way down the hill towards the lake. I knew he knew I was coming but he didn't look up as I crossed the creaky pier, not even when I stopped right next to him.

"Can I sit?" I asked.

"Of course."

He was trying not to be angry. I could tell in his tone, could feel it in the bond. He wasn't wearing the same clothes he had been earlier, which made me wonder if he shifted and went for a run. Someone must've brought him clothes. The run only did so much, the anger was still there. Except it wasn't all anger. There was guilt, pain, sadness. I didn't know how to take all that away and I was starting to get worried I couldn't. I needed to go to school and get a degree in psychology or something at this point.

I sunk to the ground, folding my legs like he was. I looked over at him but he was still just staring straight ahead. Sighing, I set my hand on his knee, feeling at least some relief when he set his hand on mine. "So today has been great so far," I started.

His eyes slid to me momentarily, conveying without words that he was not in the mood for my jokes. Dammit. Humor was my strongest coping method.

"Can we talk about the Dean situation or do you need more time?" I asked.

He tensed, his jaw clenching. "He's not welcome here anymore."

I was afraid of that. I didn't know what to say. Dean had acted way out of line but... There was so much more to everything. Except if I defended Dean, I was afraid Kane would think I was trying to minimize the way Dean hurt him.

"You disapprove," he sighed.

"I'm thinking," I countered, wiping the sweat off my forehead. I really, really wasn't used to humidity and heat like this.

"The way he acted was unacceptable," Kane said. "I understand the circumstances were upsetting but that doesn't excuse his behavior. I can't have a Beta that disrespects my Luna one minute and me the next."

"I understand," I nodded. I did understand. I also understood where Dean was coming from, I just wished he would've chosen any other way to let his anger out about it. Comparing Kane to Bryce was something I had a feeling Kane would not forget.

"Then why do I get the feeling you're about to argue with me about it?"

I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face before turning towards him again. "I don't want to argue with, Kane," I said honestly. "I know you think that I want to come in here and change everything and make it more like the pack I'm used to, but I don't want to do that. I want to smooth over rough edges and get rid of toxic habits, but I don't expect you to change everything."

"Then why do I get the feeling you're about to argue with me?" He repeated, looking over at me.

I thought about it, I did. But we would never get anywhere without trust and he needed to know I would stand by his side and respect his feelings. If his feelings were he didn't trust Dean anymore, I had no place to tell him he had no right to feel that way. I didn't blame him for feeling that way. I just hated he was going to lose a Beta over this, and losing Dean almost definitely meant losing Mia too.

"I'm not going to argue with you," I said, shaking my head. "I'm going to ask something of you that still gets Dean out of the pack but hopefully in a way that's less painful for everyone. I'm assuming you understand if Dean goes, that means Mia probably will too."

"It's unfortunate but she showed where her loyalty was when that fight started."

"Well, he is her brother," I shrugged. "And I think you would've done the same for Krystal, so I'm not with you on the bitterness for that one. I just want you to understand you're going to lose two ranked wolves at once."

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