Chapter 9: Not Perfect

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I applied the dark red lipstain and stepped back to examine my handiwork. I almost never used make-up but I had a part to play. Because now I was going to that stupid party to meet whatever vampire was waiting for me. They knew things about my pack they shouldn't and I was going to find out exactly how they knew.

I walked to the bed and slipped on the heels to go with the red dress. It was long but had two slits that came up very high on my thigh on each side. It plunged down in the middle to just below my breasts, showing a lot of cleavage. I normally wouldn't wear something so attention-grabbing but that's what I needed. I needed to be distracting. I pulled my hair back into a loose bun and grabbed my wallet and phone.

We went back to the conference center where the party was being held and made our way into the ballroom which looked much more like a night club. Cassie and Renzo flanked me as we descended the stairs into the dark room, lit only by flashing, colorful lights. The music was loud, vibrating the walls and floor.

Kane was here, I smelled him before we even walked in the room. I felt his eyes on me and swallowed hard, avoiding looking for him. This dress would do nothing to help our sexual tension but it couldn't be helped. I had a job to do and thanks to his cruel words earlier, I was having a much easier time ignoring him. No one threatened my pack.

We reached the bottom of the steps and Renzo broke off while I pointedly avoided looking for wherever Kane was in this place. Cassie grinned and grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together and pulling me towards the bar.

"Time to get drunk!" She squealed, tugging me forward.

The closer we got to the bar, the more Kane's scent faded. I tried not to think about it and kept the easy going smile on my face as we reached the bar. Cassie ordered us two double shots of vodka. The bartender slid over the shots and we threw them back. The water cooled my dry throat but I faked a face and waved my hand around.

"Shots burn me," I complained.

"Keep having them and it'll get easier," Cassie giggled, ordering two more.

We threw back our 'shots' as well as ordering drinks in between throughout the night. They were easily disguisable drinks, gin and tonic, vodka soda, things that looked like water. Cassie was way better at acting drunk but I did my best. I smelled Will enter the building and ordered a real shot. Cassie and I threw back the actual vodka shots and I made a point to let some slide on my lips so the smell would be evident. I smiled and grabbed Cassie's hand.

"Dance with me, babe," I said, putting an extra stumble to my step as we made our way to the dance floor.

This part was easy. Cassie and I danced very close to each other, very dirty. Her hands were on my waist as we swayed like we were planning to hook up and just doing the foreplay now. I knew Will. He wouldn't be able to not watch, it wasn't who he was. I knew his eyes were on me long before I lifted mine to his.

Will was a piece of shit but he had a thing for me and I could use that. He watched me as he sipped on a drink and I let another easy smile play on my lips. Then I saw another vamp watching me. His eyes locked with mine and he backed toward the balcony, inclining his head as he stepped outside.

Now, I said to Renzo.

I leaned my head back over Cassie's shoulder.

"I need air," I said, fanning myself.

She nodded and kept dancing while I moved toward the balcony, brushing my arm against Will as I walked by, biting down on my lip enough to draw blood. He stiffened and I glanced over at him, sliding my tongue along the wound. I knew he would follow even if he wasn't supposed to.

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