Chapter 18: Comfort

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The tension in the air was so thick I almost felt like I couldn't breathe. I didn't need to guess why Xander was mad, it was pretty evident in the way he was locked onto Kane like he might strike any minute. I knew he was mad before, but with Addie he must've been focusing his energy elsewhere. Now he had nowhere to focus it except on Kane.

"Training is over," Xander said, scattering everyone that had been at training.

"Addie?" I asked, trying to keep my voice even.

"Addie is doing well," Xander nodded. "Thanks to Tatianna. She's actually eating and sitting up. Baby seems healthy. Tatianna seems to think Addie will be able to leave the infirmary by tomorrow morning."

"Thank Goddess," I breathed. "When can I see her?"

"Later," Xander clipped.

I sucked in a breath, watching as his glare returned to Kane. Xander crossed his arms and I felt a knot in my stomach when Kane cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak. He had no idea how much shit he was into with Xander.

"Alpha Xande-"

"Quiet," Xander growled. "I have a lot to say to you. A lot. But you are not my priority. My mate is everything to me but if you think bringing someone in to help her as a way to bargain for Tess's forgiveness for a forced marking," he said, narrowing his eyes, "is going to work, you have another thing coming. The only reason you're here and still alive is because of Tess. If it were up to me, you'd be dead or at least loaded up with silver. So keep your fucking mouth shut. I have much bigger priorities before I get to you," he said, bringing his eyes to me.

That Alpha stare had me swallowing hard and stepping back, bowing my head. It wasn't because I was scared, Xander didn't scare me. It's because I hid something from him and he was not happy.

"Alpha," I muttered.

"Look at me," he snapped.

"I can't," I whispered, shaking my head.

"Tess," he growled.

I slowly lifted my head, meeting his gaze. His eyes narrowed and I wrapped my arms around myself, waiting for it.

"Are you done?" He asked.

Was I done? It was something he started with me a long time ago because we kept too much to ourselves. I never told anyone when I was hurting or upset or sad, I kept it to myself, dealt with it myself. The problem was it ate away at me, to keep everything in. Xander was the same. So we started this. Asking if I was done meant asking if I was done being a child and ready to confront the things I'd rather ignore.

"Xander, I think you should get some res-"

"I said," Xander growled, taking a step towards me. "Are you done?"

Done. Was I done keeping it all in? Now that he was asking me, my numbness was fading and I hurt so very badly. My heart hurt most of all. Was I done pretending Kane didn't break my heart when he marked me? Was I done pretending Addie's being sick was making me a nervous wreck? Part of me said I needed to keep it together because I hated crying in front of people, but I couldn't keep it in now that he was asking.

Yeah, I was done. I couldn't function much longer like this. Kane should be the one I could run to when I was this broken but I couldn't trust him. Xander was safe for me. I nodded and his expression softened.

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