Chapter 39: Second Beta

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"We're burning the house down."

Ben, Reid, someone I didn't know yet, and the rest of the Blood Moon Boys I was with back home minus Wes all stared blankly at my statement.

"What?" Ben asked, frowning.

"The house," I said, gesturing around the room. "We're burning it down. So I suggest you get whatever shit is important to you and get it out of here. I'm Tess, by the way," I said, nodding to the one I didn't know.

He had dark, umber skin and eyes almost as black as Kane's. Not to mention a resting bitch-face that could've contended with Kane's. "I know who you are," he said, his tone a little more unfriendly than I liked.

He crossed his arms and sized me up, his eyes coming to mine and staying there. Normally that wouldn't bother me but Kane's talk about people avoiding eye contact because it was seen as a challenge came to my mind and I couldn't help but wonder if he was trying to challenge me. I narrowed my eyes at him and he met the gaze, not even blinking.

Damn, day one and I was already going to get into it with someone. I hadn't even left the house, for fuck's sake.

"Dean," Ben hissed, elbowing the guy. Ah, so this was the second Beta. "Show some respect to your Luna."

"It's cool," I said, mimicking Dean's posture and crossing my arms. "Respect needs to be earned. How about we go outside and I show you how much it's in your best interest to show me some respect?"

His eyes narrowed slightly and unlike everyone else in the room, he seemed completely unintimidated by me. I was kind of annoyed but also impressed. Usually my stare had people faltering at least a little but he held his ground. Damn, this Beta was nothing like Ben. He oozed dominance and that look in his eyes was definitely a challenge, unless I was letting Kane's words get to me too much.

Kane entered the kitchen, freshly showered and looking like a fucking god. It was annoying. He stopped behind me and placed a kiss on my neck, wrapping an arm around my waist. It didn't escape my attention that Dean didn't seem to like Kane being close to me, and the second Kane was in the room, Dean's eyes fell away from mine. Oh yeah, he knew he was challenging me and that Kane wouldn't take it well.

"Alpha," Dean addressed, bowing his head.

It was clear he did know how to show respect, he just wasn't going to for me. I narrowed my eyes at him but he avoided my eyes, that was until Kane looked away from us when Wes came in the room. Dean's eyes snapped to mine and the challenge was back. It was clear he was trying to keep our bond as muted as possible but I didn't miss the anger in there. He wanted to tear me apart, I could feel it. If Kane caught onto that, he would not be happy. Dear Goddess, this was going to be a fun day.

"Did you tell them?" Kane asked.

"I did," I nodded. "Their blank expressions and lack of movement suggests they're confused, though."

"Wait, we're actually going to burn the house down?" Dean asked, his narrowed eyes widening.

"Isn't that what Tess said?" Kane said, tilting his head, his arm tightening around my waist.

"Yes, isn't it?" I asked, giving Dean a smug smile. He was on better behavior in front of Kane, keeping his glaring to a minimum. Yeah, he and I were definitely going to have it out.

Dean seemed to struggle with the solidarity we presented and just gave a curt nod.

"Um, so, why?" Hunter asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Because we hate it," I shrugged. "It houses no good memories and it's ugly and prison-like and depressing. Phoenixes rise from the ashes, boys. Get your shit together and I also need a list of people in the pack that are good with construction," I said, holding up a finger, "carpentry, plumbing and electricity," I said, adding a finger to each thing I listed off. "There will probably be more but that's where we're starting. Where's Kaden?"

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