Chapter 56: Important Pieces

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I'd always been astounded at Addie's strength, but when Thaddeus asked for an invitation and she flat out said no with a Luna tone that even had his eyes going wide, I was a little terrified her strength would get us in trouble. Except it didn't seem to piss Thaddeus off like I expected. Instead, he stared her down for a minute while she stared back at him, then he cracked a smile and said, "ah yes, birds of a feather. I like you."

Thaddeus sat outside and Mateo joined him. It was one of the few times I saw Thaddeus's expression give him away as Mateo came in for a hug. What they'd been through clearly gave them some sort of bond because Thaddeus seemed infinitely more relaxed around Mateo than I'd seen him with anyone else.

Xander gave me a quick hug but we didn't have time for much else as more people started arriving. Cassie and Renzo gave me long hugs and stayed close by. Thaddeus's presence very obviously made a lot of people uneasy but they warmed more and more when they saw Mateo interacting with him easily.

Rykan was so not one of the people easing up. Kora came into the living room and the moment she did, Thaddeus looked inside, smiled and asked her to join him outside. She didn't even make it one step before Rykan, Xavier, Luke, Regan and Patrick were in front of her, issuing warning growls to Thaddeus. He took it better than I expected and rolled his eyes, mumbling something about 'overprotective wolves' before continuing his conversation with Mateo.

It couldn't last, we knew it couldn't last. He was easygoing up until we finished dinner and then he was at the back door again, glaring at Addie and Xander. "If you're not going to invite me in, then bring the people I need to see out here. It doesn't need to be everyone, but I do need to speak to you two," he said, narrowing his eyes at Xander and Addie before shifting them to me, "you," he said, his eyes going over to Kora, "definitely you," he said, his eyes continuing their path and landing on Cassie, "and you. Let's go. I gave you your space all night, now come out here and talk to me before my patience slips."

All of us, including Cassie, were surprised when he singled her out. I knew he wanted the rest of us, but he hadn't mentioned Cassie. Renzo rarely got overprotective of Cassie because he knew she could handle herself, but Thaddeus asking for her presence had him tensing and wrapping his arm around her waist protectively, watching Thaddeus carefully.

"Oh for fuck's sake, I do not have the energy nor the gumption to give a single fuck about killing any of you," he said, rolling his eyes. "My time is better spent killing other people. Get out here before I light the fucking house on fire. Smoke is bad for the baby, Luna," he said, giving Addie one last glance before turning away and plopping down on the bench on the porch. "Come on, you've all got Blackthorn in your system anyway, not like I can drink from any of you."

We frowned in confusion and Addie's eyes narrowed. "How the hell do you know that?"

"Wait, we have blackthorn in our system?" Cassie asked.

"I put it in the food for safety," Addie explained.

"Not mine though, which I appreciate," he said, lifting a glance to Addie. "I also appreciate your protectiveness and complete lack of willingness to trust me. However, I haven't got all night, so get the fuck over it for twenty minutes and get out here."

We sighed but eventually gave in, especially when Mateo asked Thaddeus in front of us if he swore he wouldn't touch any of us. Thaddeus rolled his eyes and agreed and Mateo encouraged us to give him a chance. Kora and Rykan were the last ones out and Rykan stayed near the door with his arms wrapped around Kora's waist, like he was ready to pull her inside if Thaddeus blinked wrong.

Kane was in a similar position, holding me back close to the house with his arm around my waist and hand tight on my hip.

"All right, let's get down to it because this is already taking longer than I hoped," Thaddeus said, clasping his hands together. "Now, Luna and Alpha," he said, addressing Addie and Xander. "I will need all your allies and more, so keep doing what you're doing, make friends, whatever the fuck it is you do, keep doing that and stay on standby until I'm ready."

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