Chapter 32

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Narae was awash with happy hormones. Seeing Seokjin and Jimin had been just a little bit complicated, and seeing her family had caused a spike in guilt and worrisome thoughts about the future. But being reunited with Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok was nothing short of euphoric.

After the briefest of knocks and pauses, the door to her room had flown open and Taehyung had bounded in, followed by a grinning Jungkook and Hoseok.

Taehyung had not stopped until he landed on the bed next to Narae who must have looked well enough to approach. Like a little grip and release at her heart, Narae felt some additional tension and worry leave because she had another of her bonded mates so close by. This was the first time she'd touch one of them other than Seokjin or Jimin... Well, she corrected herself, the first time she'd touch one of them while awake.

"Hi." Taehyung grinned at her, kneeling by her side, looming in close. Behind him, Jungkook and Hoseok hung back, just smiling the happy relieved smiles of proud mates.

"Hey." Narae smiled back at him shyly.

"You're awake." He pointed out unnecessarily. He reached out but seemed to think better of it and instead just scrunched his hand in the blanket by her side.

"You've touched me?" she asked hesitantly.

"Um hum." He hummed, pleased with himself. "I was the first one. And then I got to sleep next to you last night. It was my turn."

Narae laughed, thinking how charming and funny he was, and how much she liked that they were taking turns to sleep by her. "Who's turn is it tonight?" She asked, dazed but delighted.

"Jungkook's. Because he's the youngest, so he had to wait." Taehyung said, reasonably.

"Although, really now that you're awake, you'll be allowed to choose. You might not want Jungkook." Hoseok added, teasingly jabbing the Maknae's shoulder.

"But I do!" Narae said, a little too enthusiastically looking past Taehyung to Jungkook who was trying to keep the grin off his face. She wanted him so very much. She remembered the way she'd always liked him dancing in the DNA video, the way he'd invited her to hug and scent him that first time in her flat, the way he'd looked when he'd bonded with Yoongi. From start to finish, he was incredible., What was he still doing over there?

Her attention was returned to Taehyung when she realised one of his hands was still hovering just between both of their laps. "Can I touch you now, is that okay?"

Narae pulled in a big breath, already looking forward to the warming, melting marzipan hit she was about to get. She nodded, so happy, and Taehyung reached forward, not with one hand but with both arms, he pulled her body against him in a fierce hug.

She felt the first point of connection between them at her cheek which he'd turned his head slightly towards to press his lips against the edge of her hairline.

As had been happening the whole morning, tears she didn't know were waiting came to the surface and her eyes filled up.

"Tae." She sighed, clinging to him.

When he answered, it was in a hushed and deep voice that made her shudder. "This was how I first touched you. I bent over you and put my cheek against yours."

Narae let a few more sobs escape her and pressed her face into his.

"And I tried not to kiss you because I wanted it to be your choice, but I thought you wouldn't mind if I just did this." He pressed his lips against her cheek, her jaw, the edge of her neck, again and again. It wasn't necessarily meant to be sensual, but Narae was touch starved and she realised with a sudden jolt just how much she wanted Taehyung, just like she'd wanted Jimin and Seokjin in the beginning, and just now. During her illicit nights with him and Jungkook, still divided by the thinnest of barriers, she'd only longed for touch and for closeness, but never specifically for his lips and his tongue and his body. Now the heat of that want reared up in her like a hungry tiger. Yes, she wanted him alright.

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